5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Online Course


It seems like online courses are everywhere today. If you have some specialist knowledge, they can be a great source of passive income because you only need to produce them once and then a potentially unlimited number of people can sign up.

However, for every online course success story, there are many more failures. After taking weeks to research, put together and record an online course, many people fail to market it properly and attract signups. 

Digital marketing should be the cornerstone of every online course’s marketing strategy. Here are some things you could do right now to start driving traffic to your course.

  1. Answer questions on Quora – Search on Quora for topics relevant to your course and answer questions about them. It is not really a place where you should try and sell your course in the answers, but you can link to your course in your Quora bio. When you provide detailed, helpful answers, people will take a look at your profile where they will see your link.
  2.  Start a Facebook or LinkedIn group – Make a fun and helpful group for people who are likely to be interested in your course. It should be themed around the same topics and can help you establish credibility in your area. You could also comment in other groups. 
  3. Promote your course on your blog – Writing short pieces about your topic which are free to access is a great way to gain an audience who might be interested in your course. As it is your blog, you can promote your course as much as you want. Check out King Kong or other digital marketing services which can do them for you.
  4. Include it in your email signature – If you send lots of emails, especially to people with similar interests to you, then include a link to your course in your signature. Even if the recipient does not sign up, they might be able to tell other interested people about it. 
  5. Build an email list – People will trust you more and be more likely to buy from you if you have provided them with something valuable in the past. It is even better if you have regularly given them something worthwhile. A great way to do this online is with an email newsletter.

Digital marketing doesn’t have to be difficult. These are five simple strategies your business could start using right now to accelerate signups. However, consistency is key and all of these things can take a lot of time and effort.

*The information in this article does not necessarily reflect the views of The Global Hues. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information in this article.*  

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