5 Unique Marriage Proposal Ideas to Consider

5 Unique Marriage Proposal Ideas to Consider


Perhaps the most important decision a man ever makes is his choice of lifetime partner and popping the question can be extremely stressful; an ever-present fear that she will say no is never far away from your thoughts when planning a proposal, so you need to feel confident of an affirmation rather than a rejection. 

Assuming you are ready to plan your proposal, here are a few cool ideas that might hit your hot button. 

  • Plan a romantic garden dinner

    You don’t need any special occasion; make all the arrangements including a private chef and have the starter tray containing a note addressed to her; place it in such a way that when the top is removed, she can’t fail to notice it and she will get the shock of her life when she reads those magical four words! Make sure you have champagne on ice and it will be a night to be cherished; buy one of the exquisite diamond engagement rings you find at the online jewellers.

  • The long ribbon proposal 

    This is an oldie but goodie. Tie one end of a very long ribbon to the inside of the front door and as you both enter the home, appear surprised and invite her to investigate by following the ribbon that can be directed around the house and finally, it leads to a sign on the wall with that magical question. This was the way to propose in Hollywood in the 1960s and we think it is one of the best.

  • Replicate your first date

     Take a trip down nostalgia avenue and book a table at that small restaurant, the place where you first got to know each other. The big difference is this time you have a bottle of Dom Perignon on ice and you could even hire a violinist to arrive at the right moment. Be creative and make it a very special evening and leave the proposal to at least mid-way through the meal and try not to give any clues. Click here for 13 ways the Internet has changed our lives forever.

  • Take her to a Planetarium

    Sydney is home to one of the best planetariums in the world and there’s nowhere more romantic to pop the question than a backdrop of stars! Check out the opening times online and to make sure, you should do a solo run to assess the environment and plan your proposal accordingly. 

  • Sydney Harbour floating proposal

    Living Down Under has many advantages and one is you can dine on a restaurant boat with Sydney as the backdrop, making for the perfect marriage proposal. Talk to the management about your plans and they will do what they can to make your evening one to remember forever. 

We hope that the above ideas help you to plan the perfect marriage proposal and if you would like to find other Sydney-based locations, the Internet has all the solutions.

*The information in this article does not necessarily reflect the views of The Global Hues. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information in this article.*  

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