
Which Face Is the Real You?



  • What are the three faces of self?

  • Who sees your third face?

  • Do you showcase your second self to your friends and family?

  • What stays hidden behind your third face?

  • How does knowing about these faces help a person grow?

Today, people have learnt to wear masks both literally and figuratively. These masks serve as a shield, allowing individuals to conceal their true selves and protect themselves from potential harm. But who are you today? Are you the person the world sees daily, someone who projects confidence and composure? Or do you the share your feelings with close friends and family? Perhaps you prefer to keep your thoughts, fears and secrets hidden from others.

What is the Japanese Philosophy of Three Faces?

The idea of three faces in Japanese culture shows how you manage your life. You have different sides that you show in various situations. However, this concept isn’t unique to Japan; it applies to everyone. Understanding and respecting these sides can build stronger connections and empathy in your interactions with others. Below is a brief explanation of the three faces of self:

Three Faces Of Self

  • First Face

The first face is the side of you that fits in with what society expects. You show this face to people you don’t know well, like colleagues and strangers. It’s about creating a good impression and showing off your best qualities. For example, when you are at a work event, you dress smartly, smile and talk about positive things like your achievements & avoid personal or controversial topics.

  • Second Face

The second face is the side you show to your friends and family. It includes the more personal aspects of yourself, like your worries, fears and joys with those you trust. While people close to you see this side of you, it’s still not your complete self, as you may still be concerned about how others judge you. An example of this is sharing your deepest worries and happiest moments with your best friend or family. You feel comfortable being open with them but still hold back some things.

  • Third Face

The third face is the part of you that you never show anyone. It includes your deepest
thoughts, desires and secrets, that you keep only for yourself. This face represents your true self, free from the judgement of others. In your quiet moments alone, you might think about your biggest dreams or fears that you never share with anyone. Imagine, you dream of becoming an artist but never share it with anyone because you fear judgment and failure. This inner world is part of your third face, your most private self.

The Bottom Line

Recognising the three faces of self helps you understand how you interact with others. Knowing your public, personal and private sides lets you connect deeply and empathise better with others. Embracing all three faces leads to a more genuine and balanced life.

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