3 Things You Need To Know About Digital Marketing Categorised

3 Things You Need To Know About Digital Marketing

Guest Post

Melbourne’s economy was not spared from the negative impact of COVID-19. Estimates from Consultancy firm PwC stated that central Melbourne is projected to lose AUD110 billion in GLP over the next five years.

Despite this, Melbourne is quick to adapt to crises. For example, one of its AUD100 million programs entails support for small businesses and their online and e-services, which will naturally involve digital marketing in Melbourne based. Along with that is the support for creatives, artists, community groups, residents, and international students. Lastly, they have also organised marketing campaigns to bring back tourists safely.

What is Digital Marketing?

In simple terms, digital marketing is connecting with your audience over the internet. Since people spend less time outside and more time on the internet, digital marketing is critical to businesses.

Marketing efforts done using the internet are all categorised under digital marketing. In addition, channels such as social media, search engines, websites, or emails are also categorised under digital marketing and are commonly used by businesses in Melbourne and across the globe.

Apart from digital channels, there are also digital marketing tactics like marketing automation and search engine optimization (SEO). Marketing automation is automating repetitive tasks (e.g., email marketing, social media posting) to maximise efficiency while also increasing the company’s revenue.

On the other hand, SEO involves maximising the number of visitors to your site. Marketing automation and search engine optimization are used to promote your company’s marketing content and free up your time to fine-tune your marketing strategies—both work on building your company’s brand image, especially if you are still starting.

When do businesses need digital marketing (150)?

Since COVID-19 affected brick-and-mortar stores in Melbourne, online businesses are more in-demand. However, demand does not guarantee immediate customers, and this is where digital marketing Melbourne-based comes in.

Digital marketing ensures that your website gets a good number of visitors and reaches a bigger audience. The other situations wherein digital marketing is necessary for businesses are as follows:

1. You lack an online presence

Your business may be online, but no one visits your page, nor does anyone seem interested in your products despite regularly updating your page. Excellent digital marketing in Melbourne may prove helpful when they help you find your target audience and help you cater to them.

2. You cannot keep up

Trends keep popping up, and you are afraid your business does not fit the movement. A digital marketing strategy that keeps online audiences hooked is the way to go.

3. You do not know how to market digitally.

Online businesses do not just involve posting and hoping for clients to come. You can optimise your sites to improve aspects such as your site user experience with the help of digital market experts.

What are the traits of a good digital marketing agency?

Not all digital marketing agencies are fitting for your company. Hence, here are traits of an excellent digital marketing agency:

1.Notable website

Since they are expected to utilise your site, an excellent digital marketing agency should have a good website.

2. Culture-fit

Catering to diversity is a must, especially nowadays. Only digital marketing companies who are culturally sensitive and competent can offer a broad range of business services.


Aside from the broad range of services, experience is also a must to ensure that the agency is well-versed in its profession.

“It is great to see that Melbourne is supporting its small businesses to move online. This will ultimately make the digital marketing market more competitive and competent in its dealings”.


Author Bio: Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

***The information in this article does not necessarily reflect the views of The Global Hues. We are not responsible and do not verify for accuracy of any of the information contained in this article***

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