Top 10 High DA Guest Websites

Top 10 High DA Guest Blogging Websites for Digital Marketing

Guest Post Tech

Do you love writing about Digital marketing?

Do you want to earn name and recognition in the digital marketing world? Do you produce quality content? Then this article is written for you! There are many digital marketing guest post websites that give bloggers a golden opportunity to establish themselves as authoritative figures in the world of writers and create their names amongst the new readers. Guest blogging websites accept writers from outside to attract traffic, boost domain, increase their brand credibility and awareness, and build relationships with peers in their industry.

In order to keep the target readers engaged, captivated, and grossed in the website, many digital marketing guest blogging websites accept “write for us”. If you want to submit a guest post and get your article published on some of the best digital marketing guest post websites, you can have a look at this:

List of 10 High DA & PA Digital Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

1. Hubspot

Hubspot is a full platform for marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software. Hubspot is the biggest digital marketing guest post website and accepts top digital marketing guest posts. It cherishes a large audience of marketers and business groups. It has a reach of about seven million in a month.


● It accepts any good quality content as long as it is about marketing, sales, and customer service.
● The use of words should not be hard to catch. The article should be simple yet helpful.
● You have to keep about 3 to 4 links of other Hubspot articles in your guest post article.
● Don’t include more than one link to your company’s website.

2. The Global Hues

Digital Marketing Guest Post

The Global Hues is a high DA website that gives you a chance to showcase your talent and creativity to the world and get recognized. It accepts only fresh and reliable information, which not only informs, rather entertains the target audience. So if you are interested in submitting your content to one of the best high DA digital marketing guest blogging websites, this is the option you can surely look for.


● The content should be unique and creative.
● It should contain a minimum of 500 words.
● The guest post published on the website is not allowed to be republished on the writer’s own blog.

3. Jeffbullas

Jeffbullas is a digital marketing consultancy firm and guest blogging site with high domain authority. It accepts top digital marketing blogs that are 100% original and do not contain any self-promotion.


● The article should not be promotional.
● The word count should be a minimum of 1000 words.
● It should contain some visuals and images.

4. Social Media Examiner

Social media examiner is one of the best high DA sites that accept digital marketing blogs. If social media marketing is your cup of tea, Social Media Examiner is the perfect platform for you. It is one of the biggest online marketing communities. If you are a writer with deep knowledge about online and digital marketing, you can submit your guest post now to boost your writing career.


● Articles should be unique and relevant.
● It should be your own researched content.
● The article should go beyond commonly accepted social media practices or advice.

5. Getresponse

All about marketing automation, Getresponse is one of the topmost digital marketing guest post websites. If you have unique tips and insights on marketing and you want to share your expertise, submit your guest post now. Don’t forget to add real-life examples to your blog.


● Word counts should be preferably 1300+.
● Contents should be 100% original, factual, unpublished, and well researched.
● Any claims you make must be backed by links, research, or case studies.

6. Guest Blogging Pro

Another name in the list is GuestBlogging.Pro. If you love writing interesting and engaging content related to not only digital marketing and social media but also on health, business, technology, lifestyle, entertainment, beauty, and fitness, you can surely go ahead and get your guest post published on one of the high DA guest blogging websites GuestBlogging.Pro. You can also write and submit articles related to real estate, fashion, automobile, artificial intelligence, and many other categories.

The article should be fresh and unique.
The word limit of the article should be 800-1000 words.
The content should contain a featured image (Width:- 960, Height:- 510)
Your DA should be 20+ if you want to add your link on this website.

7. SingleGrain

If you are excited to write about SEO and search engine marketing, PPC advertising, Paid social advertising, content marketing, sales funnel and conversion optimization, amazon advertising, and social media marketing, SingleGrain can be the top choice. You can surely submit your top digital marketing blog here by following certain guidelines.


● The content should be original, practical, and well researched.
● It should contain a minimum of 2000 words per post.
● It should also contain 4-5 relevant images or screenshots.

8. Business 2 Community

Business 2 Community accepts marketing content that is newsworthy. For instance, views on new updates on Twitter, or any new update on Facebook or Instagram. It is also one of the best guest post sites with good domain authority.


● Content should be original and factual.
● It should contain at least 300 words.
● Content should also contain relevant images, videos, and outbound links to improve the overall experience of the community.

9. Mention

Mention is a social listening and brand monitoring tool and accepts entries in the digital marketing write for us section. You can submit your guest post here if your preferably write about current trends and social media.


● The content should be original and exclusive to the site.
● It should contain 2000+ words.
● The article should be helpful and informative. Feel free to add humor in the article, as long as it’s respectful.
● Illustrate each example with screenshots, videos, and social media posts.

10. Shane Barker

This is a blog about digital marketing, search engine optimization, and influencer marketing. So, any content around these topics can be published on this website.


● The content should be 100% original and grammatically correct.
● It should be 1500-2000 words long.
● The article should contain real-life examples and case studies to add value to your content, wherever possible.

Is your website missing from the list? Add your guest posting website right away! Email us now to get your website added to the list.

Related: How to generate SEO-worthy content?


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