top 10 richest billionaires in the world


It sounds very fascinating to establish a business empire that establishes its unique place in the market worth billions. Here we will talk about the richest billionaires in the world and how their brands are making a difference in the business world. Billionaires are not only changing the business dynamics but are also playing a […]

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Leadership Styles And What Lessons To Learn From Bill Gates

Leadership Styles and What Lessons to Learn from Bill gates?

Leadership Styles and What Lessons to Learn from Bill gates? “Leadership is the ability to “lead”, influence, or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations” Proving to be a good leader is tough as one must possess all the basic qualities of a leader which are: Establishing a clear vision or a Goal, Sharing that […]

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Bill Gates Biography | Entrepreneurial Vision & Skills

Who Is Bill Gates? Business visionary and Entrepreneur Bill Gates and his colleague Paul Allen established and found the world’s biggest programming business, Microsoft, through mechanical development, a sharp business system, and forceful business strategies. All the while, Gates become one of the most extravagant men on the planet. In February 2014, Gates reported that […]

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