Breathing is the most important part of Yoga. Ability to practice mindful breathing can be a blessing as it helps you stay fit physically and mentally. Practice the following Pranayama exercises to declutter your mind:
- This breathing routine is also known as ‘Breath of Fire’
- Start by sitting upright in a straight posture with your legs crossed.
- Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed and calm.
- Take a deep breath through your nose to fill your lungs with fresh air.
- Now, exhale forcefully along with releasing a hissing sound.
- Do this for about 5 minutes or 21 times and try to practice this twice a day.
- This breathing practice is also known as ‘Lion’s Breath’
- Start by kneeling on the floor with your arms placed gently on your knees and your ankles crossed.
- Your feet should be pointing out.
- Now, try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth by opening your mouth wide and sticking out your tongue wide. Your tongue should be towards your chin.
- While exhaling, make a ‘ha’ sound and one must do this a couple of times and then relax.
- This practice is also referred to as ‘Breath Retention’ which is also its literal meaning.
- Sit in the padmasana position by keeping your hands on your knees.
- Keep your spine and shoulders relaxed but straight in an upright position.
- Inhale and exhale normally for a couple of times and then, inhale, hold it in for as long as you can, and exhale.
- Increase the time you retain the air inside your lungs gradually.
- This breathing practice is also known as ‘Deer Seal Breathing’
- Mrigi mudra is basically how you hold your fingers. So, curl your middle finger and index finger and press them towards the base of your thumb.
- Keep your other fingers stretched. Use your right hand for the mudra if you are a right-handed person and your left hand if you are a left-hander.
- Sit in padmasana and make sure your back, shoulder, and neck are in a straight line. If you are a right-handed person and have used your right hand for the mudra, bring your right hand near your nose, and with the help of your pinky to close your left nostril.
- Inhale from the right then close your right nostril with the thumb to release from the left nostril. Try doing this about five times and then relax.
- This breathing exercise is also known as ‘skull shining’
- Sit in padmasana or in a comfortable cross-legged position.
- Maintain your spine, shoulders, and neck in a straight line.
- Keep your palms gently on your knees.
- Take a deep breath and release it out with a short contraction of your abdomen muscles.
- Try to do at least five exhalations for a single inhalation. Gradually, increase it to 10 exhalations per one inhalation.