Is That Really Your Friend Calling? Beware of Deepfake Scams!

Is That Really Your Friend Calling? Beware of Deepfake Scams

Imagine a regular evening at home. You’re sitting near the balcony, using your phone, scrolling through social media. Suddenly, a video call comes in from your best friend, Sarah. She looks worried and tells you about a family emergency that requires money for immediate surgery. As you trust her completely, you send the money right […]

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Govardhan Pooja- Date, History, And Significance

Govardhan Pooja: Date, History, And Significance

Govardhan Pooja is an auspicious festival that occurs a day after Diwali to celebrate the ‘Baal Roop’ of Lord Shri Krishna. The other name of Govardhan is ‘Annakut’ or ‘Annakoot,’ in which devotees worship Govardhan Parvat and offer Chappan Bhog as a mark of gratitude. Lord Krishna lifted Govardhan Parvat on this day to protect […]

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Staying Afloat The Art of Cash Flow Management for Startups

Staying Afloat: The Art of Cash Flow Management for Startups

John, the Co-Founder of an IT startup, leaned forward across the coffee shop table, his brows furrowing with concern. “You know, Sarah, starting a new tech venture is like riding a rollercoaster. We’ve got groundbreaking innovations, but there’s this one giant challenge – keeping our finances in check.” Sarah, the visionary behind an eco-friendly products […]

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10 Effective Natural Remedies For Anxiety

10 Effective Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Do you ever experience moments of tension or a sense of impending danger? Are there times when you find yourself breathing heavily? If so, you might be dealing with anxiety. This article explores the meaning, types, symptoms, and natural remedies for anxiety. Anxiety is a state of dread, fear, and unease that leads to sweating, […]

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Remembering Dr Vikram Sarabhai India's Space Pioneer

Remembering Dr. Vikram Sarabhai: India’s Space Pioneer

What’s the first name that comes to your mind when you think about the Indian Space Research Organisation? Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the luminary whose vision and tireless dedication laid the foundation for India’s remarkable journey into space.  Yet, beyond his well-known achievements, lies some unknown facts. Let’s take a look at some aspects of Vikram […]

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India’s Space Sector: On Track to a $100 Billion Industry by 2040

A record of 166 completed missions, 381 satellites launched for 34 countries, a thriving ecosystem of 140 registered space startups, and a projection of a potential $100 billion space economy by 2040. What do these statistics demonstrate? That, India is no less! The numbers underscore the fact that India, despite its status as a developing […]

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Indic Inspirations

Indic Inspirations: Where Culture Meets Creativity

“Indic Inspirations will continue to innovate on its Products, Collections and Distribution channels to grow it into a ₹100 Cr revenue company over the next 3 years.” Sunil Jalihal (Founder & CEO, Indic Inspirations) Have you ever wondered how a piece of art or a textile can narrate the tale of a nation’s culture and […]

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