5 Reasons Why Fast-Growing Cities are Prone to Car Accidents

5 Reasons Why Fast-Growing Cities are Prone to Car Accidents


Car accidents are among the leading causes of injury and premature death in fast-growing cities. In particular, big cities with millions of drivers on the road daily are also at risk of accidents that leave the victims with serious injuries. 

The following are reasons why fast-growing towns may have more car accidents.

1. Distracted Driving

Besides cell phone use while driving, drivers are distracted by many other events. Often, people try to do many things at once, such as listening to the radio, drinking, eating, smoking, and looking for items in the car. When you combine this with having a conversation with passengers in the vehicle, the driver may be distracted and fail to concentrate on their surroundings which result in car accidents. 

risk of car accidents
Credit: imagesource

2. Drunk Driving

It is common for people in fast-growing cities to consume alcohol to celebrate. However, some drive while drunk, leading to car accidents. A drunk driver will have low concentration while on the road. Alcohol also reduces reaction time, especially when they have to apply emergency brakes to avoid hitting a pedestrian or another car. It takes time for limbs to respond to instructions when one is drunk. The individual also has their vision impaired due to dizziness.

All these are factors that cause car accidents that sometimes prove fatal. A rise of 0.05 blood alcohol concentration doubles the risk of accidents. Besides alcohol, people in fast-growing cities also indulge in drugs and other medicines that affect concentration and skills required for safe driving. So, if you get involved in a car accident, ensure that you establish if the other driver is drunk, as it is useful when negotiating a car accident settlement.

3. Jumping Red Lights

It is common to see vehicles jumping a red light at a road intersection. Many people do this when they want to save time or are late for a meeting or appointment. There is a common conception that obeying red signals waste fuel and time. A driver who jumps a red light endangers his life and other road users. When one driver jumps a red light, other drivers follow suit, causing chaos such as traffic jams. Subsequently, everyone gets delayed. When a driver jumps a red light, they do so at high speed, intending to avoid a crash, which hinders his ability to evaluate the ongoing traffic and often crashes.

4. Over Speeding

The leading cause of a significant number of car accidents is over-speeding. It is human nature to excel, and if humans had the chance, they would want to attain speed infinity. However, it would be best if you always were behind another vehicle when sharing the road. An increase in speed increases accident risk and injury severity during an accident. Since faster vehicles are more common in fast-growing cities, the severity of car accidents increases with faster vehicles. When a vehicle is at high speed, it requires an even greater distance to stop.

5. Cell Phone Use

The use of cell phones while driving is among the most common and dangerous issues on the road currently. Many young adults use them while driving, which is a significant road hazard.


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