Affiliate Marketing as a side hustle


Business Education

“Affiliate Marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires.”
Bo Bennett

Did we just mention that affiliate marketing is a billion-dollar industry? Well, it is!

Gone are the days when people used to stick to one single job. Life is a constant evolution and things transform with time. Technological advancements are enabling faster change and progress and prompting people to engage themselves in multiple endeavors. People are scuffing to acquire easy revenue and broaden their disposable incomes. In that case, affiliate marketing finds its space. Affiliate Marketing is breaking barriers with the successful outcomes it can bring to the table.   

But, Is Affiliate Marketing a good side hustle? Well, it certainly can be!

To put it in simple words, Affiliate Marketing is a perfect way to fill your pockets with that extra little money. But, if you dig deeper, affiliate marketing can do wonders if you invest time and effort into it. 

Before hitting the benefits, let’s understand the meaning of affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing is an online sales campaign that lets you reach the target audience and sell the products to them on behalf of the product owner. With every sale or recommendation of the product, you earn a commission. 

To summarize, Affiliate marketing is simply helping other companies sell their products or services online- and getting a paid commission to do so! Seems easy? If yes, take a glance at its benefits!


steps of affiliate marketing

As stated earlier, affiliate marketing is simple. It is a six-step process: 

  1. The affiliate and the business get into a relationship directly or indirectly (through a third party).
  2. The affiliate shares the product/service of the business to their network. 
  3. Potential customer engages with the affiliate and the link.
  4. Customer lands on the business landing page to make a purchase.
  5. Customer makes the purchase.
  6. The business gets the sale i.e. revenue and the affiliate marketer receives a commission. 


If you are thinking to be an affiliate marketer and think of it as a side hustle then it can certainly be the one. The benefits of affiliate marketing are vast. There are no limits to what you can achieve with this exciting revenue model. 

Reasons that make it a beneficial side hustle are: 

  • An Extra Source of Income

Affiliate Marketing can be your best bet to make passive income. However, you also need to keep in mind that starting affiliate marketing requires dedication and continuous efforts. Once, you learn how to do it, you master the art of doing affiliate marketing.

  • Exposure to the digital world

No expertise is required to do this marketing. In fact, it can teach you a lot about online business.

  • Maximum Flexibility

You are not under any pressure to meet a fixed number of sales. Do it when you want to. There are no rules and regulations that you need to adhere to. It is all about you, your time, and how you manage everything. 

  • No Big Investments

You don’t need a big investment to start. In fact, initial days require no investments at all.  You can use a myriad of techniques, from creating a blog to increasing social presence, there are a lot of strategies you can think of. Generate good profitable leads through the word of mouth. 


Affiliate marketing can be a job, a great business model, a passive income powerhouse. It can be much more than a side hustle. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. You need to invest time, hard work, patience, and most importantly, dedication to excel in this business. 

You have to put in extra efforts and build the foundation of your affiliate marketing business for a few months to reap the benefits. So, yes affiliate marketing can be a full-time job if that is where you want to take it. 


  • Time is everything. It takes time to build anything great and worthy. To put it in straightforward terms, affiliate marketing takes time. Some people start this business with great enthusiasm, if they don’t see results for a few months, they quit. Unfortunately, the irony is people quit affiliate marketing right before they start reaping benefits.   
  • Patience is a virtue. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of patience. You have to trust and keep faith in your business today. It takes months to witness the actual benefits of your hard work. Patience. Consistency. Hard work. Well, that’s about it really.


Affiliate marketing is not a small business. You need to get in with all your time, energy, and patience to reap the benefits. Don’t forget “Affiliate marketing is an excellent opportunity if you truly believe in the value of the product you’re selling.” Affiliate marketing can be your next best career choice. 



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