Healthy Ways to Curb Your Appetite

Healthy Ways to Curb Your Appetite


We’ve all been through phases where we find ourselves excessively snacking, especially during periods of boredom. As a result, we may find ourselves looking for healthy means of curbing our appetites. For instance, as Ramadan 2023 approaches, Muslims may be looking for healthy ways to curb their appetite, so they’re not hit with hunger pangs during fasting hours. Alternatively, if you’re looking to lose weight, you may wish to reduce your calorie intake by refraining from eating every time hunger strikes. That said, it’s important that you still get enough calories to sustain yourself; generally, this is 2,000 calories daily for women and 2,500 for men. 

Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Small meals

While it’s common to have three substantial meals daily, you might be able to curb your appetite by eating small meals every few hours. This results in more stability in blood sugar levels throughout the day. Since lowered blood sugar causes your hunger to spike, keeping this at a relatively consistent level can make a world of difference. This can be a tricky measure to employ, as you may be concerned that a small amount of food won’t make you feel full. The beauty of small, frequent meals, though, means you’ll be eating again in a few hours.

Drink Plenty of Water 

You may be surprised to learn that when you’re feeling hungry, you’re actually thirsty. In many cases, our bodies understand that we’re craving something, but they can get confused about what is actually being craved. Therefore, many individuals reach for snacks when they should really be reaching for a glass of water. In addition to this, drinking water with your meals can make them feel more filling. Ultimately, staying hydrated will help ensure you’re not eating for the sake of it, as there will be no other craving that your body confuses with hunger. 

Exercise Regularly

Exercise has a number of impressive qualities, including the fact that it helps us control our hunger. In fact, an exercise session can suppress hunger hormones; however, your body requires proper fueling to maintain activity. As a result, it’s important not to cut down your calories so much that you’re too weak to exercise. This will do more harm than good from a weight loss perspective, and it’s also not a healthy way of limiting your calorie intake. If you haven’t properly fueled yourself before and after your workout, you’ll only end up feeling more hungry after exercising. 

Eat High-Fiber, Watery Foods

Fiber and water alike have no calories; however, they do take up more space in your stomach, resulting in you feeling fuller. The vast majority of vegetables (aside from starchy varieties) have a small number of calories due to the amount of fiber and water in them. Similarly, watery fruits, such as pineapple and melon, and high-fibre fruits, like berries, can fill you up nicely without indulging in too many calories. What’s more, because these fruits and vegetables are so low in calories, you’re able to have more of them. 

Fill Up on Protein

Protein meets your hunger needs more than fat and carbs, meaning lean protein should be an element of each of your snacks and meals. On top of this, protein makes you feel both mentally sharp and satisfied, as it also impacts your brain chemistry. This is important in curbing appetites, as many feelings of hunger are psychological. A lot of the time, you’re telling yourself you’re hungry rather than actually feeling hungry. Some of the best sources of protein include dairy, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat; essentially, most animal-based foods.

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