Meta AI in India Redefining Social Media with AI Assistant

Meta AI in India: Redefining Social Media with AI Assistant



  • Is Meta AI available in India?

  • Who invented AI?

  • What is Meta AI on WhatsApp?

  • How to chat with Meta AI in a WhatsApp group?

  • In which countries Whatsapp Meta AI is available?

Are you familiar with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini and Anthropic’s Claude? All of them are AI models that can understand and respond to questions and prompts with varying levels of accuracy. But did you know that Meta is bringing out its own AI Assistant, Meta AI in India? 

Yes, Meta is revolutionising the AI landscape by launching its advanced AI assistant, Meta AI, in India. It is available on Whatsapp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and the portal. Meta AI empowers users to get things done, create content, and explore topics seamlessly within their favourite apps.

What is Meta’s AI Assistant?

Facebook parent Meta is rolling out its artificial intelligence (AI) assistant in India. It was first announced at the company’s Connect event in 2023. The AI assistant is built with Meta Llama 3. With the help of this artificial intelligence, people can use Meta AI while scrolling their feeds, chatting to get things done, creating content, and deep-diving into topics without having to leave the app. 

“Meta AI, one of the world’s leading AI assistants, now arrives in India on WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and And it’s built with Meta Llama 3, our most advanced LLM to date,” Meta said announcing the rollout in India.

Currently, Meta AI is exclusively available in English and operates strictly within Meta platforms. While it effectively handles direct queries across WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, its functionality is limited to these platforms only. The introduction of Meta AI in English aims to enhance connectivity, creativity, and convenience for millions, thereby taking AI-powered personal assistance to the next level.

What are its Key Features & Capabilities?

Features & Capabilities of Meta AI Assistant

Mark Zuckerberg has recently expanded the capabilities of Meta’s AI tools, bringing the advanced Llama 3-powered AI assistant to integrate more intuitive AI-driven interactions into its platforms. Below are some of its key features and capabilities:

Integrated Search & Interaction

Meta AI can be accessed via a dedicated search bar across all Meta platforms. It allows users to search for information or perform tasks without switching apps. This seamless integration helps social media become more interactive and resourceful.

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Creative Image Generation

With the new Meta AI’s ‘Imagine’ feature, you can create images from text descriptions in real time. This feature sparks creativity among its users, enabling them to generate visual content according to their thoughts and ideas instantly.

Global Availability  

Initially, Meta AI was tested in selected regions, now Meta AI is available in multiple countries including India. The rollout aims to bring amazing AI capabilities to a global audience.

Educational & Practical Uses

From planning outings to helping search educational content, Meta AI can handle several tasks that simplify daily activities and enhance learning experiences.

Future Expansions

Meta plans to extend the capabilities of Meta AI to its VR headset and smart glasses, which promises to integrate AI more deeply into personal technology devices.

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How is Meta AI different from other chatbots?

Meta introduced the Meta AI in India after its launch in countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore. What sets Meta AI apart from other chatbots like Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is its deep integration within popular apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram.

With this integration, users don’t need to switch to different platforms to get AI assistance. They can get help directly from the apps they use every day. 

Mark Zuckerberg

Other chatbots like Bing’s AI and Gemini are tied directly into their respective search engines, making them better for search-related tasks. According to reports, there are ongoing discussions between Apple and Meta on how to integrate Meta’s AI into Apple’s AI system, opening doors for future collaborations and expansions.

Moreover, Meta AI is available through the website, offering another point of access for users. With around 500 million WhatsApp users in India alone, Meta AI represents one of the largest implementations of a chatbot, designed to make AI assistance more user-friendly.

Meta AI Assistant in Feeds

Meta’s AI assistant is now available right within your feeds. Imagine you are scrolling, and you might find an interesting photo of the northern lights in Iceland, you can ask Meta AI when it is the best time to see them. You don’t need to download any extra apps because Meta AI is already on social media apps.


Facebook-parent Meta has launched Meta AI in India, which runs on Llama 3. It has integrated seamlessly across WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and This AI assistant enhances user experience by enabling tasks, content creation, and deep dives into topics without leaving the apps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Meta AI available in India?

Meta AI assistant is being introduced in India via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Meta.AI website.

What is Meta AI on WhatsApp?

Meta AI on WhatsApp is a service provided by Meta that can answer your questions, teach you something, or help you come up with new ideas.

When will Meta AI launch in India?

Meta AI was launched in India in September 2023. 

In which countries Whatsapp Meta AI is available?

The chatbot has rolled out in more than 12 countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Which country is number one in AI?

The USA is the number one country in AI.

Who invented AI?

Alan Turing invented Artificial Intelligence.

How to chat with Meta AI in a WhatsApp group?

Here’s how you ask AI a question in a group chat:

  • Open the group chat you’d like to use AI in.
  • Type @ in the message field, then click Meta AI.
  • If prompted, read and accept the terms.
  • Type your prompt.
  • Click ‘enter’. You can see the AI’s responses on the chat window.

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