Amrita Vaswani- Availing eco-friendly parenting solutions

Amrita Vaswani- Availing eco-friendly parenting solutions

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The Founder Of Earth’s Best Marketing LLP (Brand- Bdiapers) – Amrita Vaswani, talked about eco-friendly ‘Hybrid Diapers’ in an interview with The Global Hues.

The owner of India’s only healthy disposable diaper company, and a mom of 2 boys, Amrita Vaswani is a foreign Business School graduate. She subsequently spent 11 years with three big brands: Colgate Palmolive in Sydney, Microsoft in Seattle, and American Express in New Delhi.

Amrita started her entrepreneurial journey in 2012 after her first child was born. She launched Bumchum Diapers- India’s first Modern Cloth Diapers. Soon she realized the challenges and limitations of cloth and started the design of Hybrid Diapers. After the birth of her 2nd baby in 2019, she launched Bdiapers, India’s only brand of Hybrid Diapers with Chemical Free Disposable Inserts. 

Eco-friendly approach to parenting

Bdiapers specializes in healthy parenting solutions. The company’s core strength is hybrid, leakproof, rash-free, and affordable diapers. They are cloth shells with chemical-free disposable inserts that work just like regular pampers but with additional hygiene and health of cloth. The disposable inserts are bleach, fragrance, and dye-free. They are made from plant cellulose for absorbency. The hybrid diaper system allows for the passage of air thereby reducing the growth of bacteria making them the “Healthiest Diaper” available in India.

Besides this, the company also has a range of unique diapering accessories like a soothing bottom wash, an eco-friendly alternative to wipes, and organic diaper balm in a roll-on format for the fingerless application. Each product is designed keeping in mind the health of a small baby and the convenience of a busy mom. The patent-pending design of Bdiapers is not only unique but also a gap-bridging approach towards diapering. Most disposable diaper companies are focused on solutions that are price-driven with cheap chemical-laden disposables or exorbitant organic ones.

On the other hand, some companies are following the trend of “Modern Cloth Diapers,” focusing on ‘cute prints’. Bdiapers is the only company in the market currently solving the two big pain points of leaks and rashes on the baby’s gentle skin. Additionally, the hybrid diapering solution doesn’t require a daily wash eliminating the hassles that come with cloth diapers. 

Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs

Bdiapers | Amrita Vaswani- Availing eco-friendly parenting solutions

Amrita believes that women need to support other women at work and home. “To me, the biggest challenge is to find the right network to tap for growth. I yearn for a mentor who has gone through my journey and would be able to guide me through the uncertainty.  I feel women have less room for failure as we are not taught to be kind to ourselves,” said Amrita. Women are always wearing multiple hats and juggling different roles which lead to mismatched expectations and disappointment.

Focus and hard work are the keys, as much as it is to be able to be kind to oneself. More and more women are required to step up as mentors and guides and help other women overcome the challenges of balancing the house and work. “We most certainly need role models in our world,” claimed Amrita. In her opinion, challenges for entrepreneurs are the same. However, women have more developed softer skills and can handle some volatilities of early startups better.

“The biggest challenge for me is time. Support, both physical and emotional, at work and home would be my greatest challenge,” said Amrita.

Motivational force 

The best part of being an entrepreneur is that creativity can be controlled. It is challenging initially however a very rewarding journey. Amrita feels productive as she keeps contributing positively in the environment of uncertainty and chaos via her brand. She feels grateful for the opportunity to apply her learning in bringing quality products for moms. 

Team and Ethos

Bdiapers is a very small team, comprising 2 interns, a graphic designer, and several freelancers/ part-timers. The team is very conscious of the carbon footprint they leave behind, hence following green ethos.  

The Clientele

Bdiapers clients are moms. The company ensures its faith through product innovation and great customer service. The product quality speaks for itself. Their solution, whilst not yet perfect, provides mothers the much-needed option to maintain the health of their baby while keeping their sanity. 

Daily routine and hobbies

amrita bdiapers | Amrita Vaswani- Availing eco-friendly parenting solutions

Amrita is an early riser. She begins her day by writing blogs and responding to emails. After taking morning care of her kids, she gets to work. Amrita takes out time for her kids in the evening and calls it a night after finishing off all her work. 

Advice for upcoming females entrepreneurs

  • There is no good time to be an entrepreneur, if you have the motivation you should go for it! 
  • Women are inherently more entrepreneurial, driven by quality, and solving a real need. They are much more successful in growth with the right product-market mix. They should believe in themselves.

Awards and milestones 

  • Kids Stop Press, Best Diaper Award (3 years in a row). 
  • Selected in the Amazon launchpad program for emerging startups.
  • Received facebook small business grant for Rs 60,000 + 35000 in ad credits. 

Favorite inspiring book 

“40 rules of love” has made a mark on Amrita and given her a view into Rumi and his teachings. She has since been exploring Sufi creativity, philosophy, and finds it fascinating.

Favorite quote

The only way to get the job done is the ability to be brutally honest about your odds, and still having the courage to stay the course” – Elon Musk

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