Shivani Malhotra

Shivani Malhotra: An Award-Winning HR Specialist, Providing Tailored HR Advisory and Training Interventions 

Home / Women / Shivani Malhotra: An Award-Winning HR Specialist, Providing Tailored HR Advisory and Training Interventions 

Shivani Malhotra, Co-founder & CEO at Positive Vibes Consulting, is an award-winning seasoned HR & Learning specialist. Under her 17 years of work experience, Ms. Shivani worked in various senior HR positions at reputed Indian and Multinational Companies in India & abroad. In 2016, she started her successful entrepreneurial journey with Positive Vibes Consulting- one of the fastest-growing HR & Training consulting firms.

A Glimpse of Positive Vibes Consulting

Positive Vibes was incorporated in 2016 primarily as a corporate training and HR consulting firm catering to many large Indian and MNCs across the country. Over the last 4 years, the company has been able to overboard many prestigious corporate houses. In addition to leadership and other soft skill training, Positive Vibes has done extensive work on promoting “Women’s Physical & Mental Wellbeing” as well as their “Safety & Security”. They have successfully intubated programs on women empowerment, safety & well being in many large organizations for the last 4 years.

They have recently introduced a women leadership program called “Breaking the glass ceiling” for encouraging and motivating women employees to grow to senior leadership roles. In 2020, the company has also diversified into Professional mentoring & Certification courses for which they won the “Start-up Excellence Award” by HR Success Talk. Their professional certification courses have been accredited by SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management), a very popular and credible HR accreditation organization. They are among the only 5 HR consulting firms in India to have received this accreditation from SHRM. 

Differentiating Factors

Shivani Malhotra

The training interventions by Positive Vibes for corporates as well as professional mentoring courses have very high-quality content and the mode of delivery is engaging and highly energizing based on practical experiences of the facilitators in the form of real-life examples, relevant case studies, lots of focused group discussions and continuous dialogue with participants. These interventions have been able to drive the intended results for the participants whether it is skill up-gradation or behavioral transformation. 

Hurdles on the Way for Women Entrepreneurs & Advice to Overcome Them

The biggest challenge faced by women entrepreneurs is facing societal questions and doubt about their capability to start and lead a business due to the widely prevalent gender biases.

Shivani Malhotra says that “Don’t underestimate yourself”. You are no less than anyone. In Hindi, we say “Hum Kisi se Kum Nahi”. The way we women have been wired by the almighty is amazing. We can easily juggle our priorities in life and do so well in each of them.

What Fascinates Shivani the most?

The leading lady shared, “The impact that I am able to make and touch the lives of so many people through my courses, training programs, and mentoring sessions and helping young professionals who are looking to find their feet in the corporate world and trying to carve a niche for themselves. The courses that we run & the 1:1 mentoring sessions that I take have helped individuals in finding jobs even in this pandemic. And that is what is extremely gratifying as a trainer, mentor, and entrepreneur.”

“What I also like about entrepreneurship is that: It’s an Exciting Roller Coaster ride and as a person, I don’t like monotony,” she further added.


There are 2 categories of clients: 

  1. Corporate Clients: Over the last 4 years, the Positive Vibes team has been able to onboard some very reputed & prestigious Indian & Multinational companies for whom they do training programs & HR Advisory projects. They ensure their unbreakable faith by continuously innovating and infusing their offerings with new & fresh ingredients, keeping very high standards of content quality and delivery & ensuring a differentiated & high-impact outcome with complete ROI for the client.
  2. Mentees- Individual Professionals: For mentees, who enroll for professional certification courses with them, the team’s commitment is to extend a very practical approach towards acquiring skills related to their respective fields which would help in adding weight to their knowledge, ultimately equipping them for getting better jobs in the market. Their 100% practical course content coupled with powerful delivery & facilitation ensures a very high level of understanding which helps mentees to crack job interviews & get great opportunities.

Daily Routine & Hobbies

Shivani Malhotra positive vibes

“My Morning Starts with a rejuvenating walk with my Dog. Post a hearty breakfast & settling my 8-year-old daughter in her online classes, I begin my work with a daily ritual – Our Team Huddle, where all employees of Positive Vibes get over a call & discuss important agenda items of the day.

After a full day’s work, which typically ends by 6 pm, I enjoy another daily ritual – something that gives me extreme peace & a sense of gratitude – “My Evening Pooja”. I follow this up with a relaxing yoga session with my trainer post which is playtime with my daughter and catch-up time with my husband. Before bedtime, all of us love to read & share the conversation of the day,” shared Shivani. 

Her hobbies are – Reading, Travelling to new places, Singing Bollywood Songs & Writing Articles & Blogs.

The Ethos for the Team

The Positive Vibes team comprises extremely committed, hard-working & value-driven individuals. “Trust & Openness” are the ethos that drives everyone as an organization. Shivani’s endeavor is to give the team a very high degree of comfort so that they can share their ideas, disagreements, challenges very openly & fearlessly. This has resulted in tremendous mutual respect amongst the team. The success of Positive Vibes Consulting is completely attributed to their star team. Shivani is truly proud of them.

Advice for Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs

  • “Do what you truly love doing and do it with a lot of passion”. Success will follow you if you follow your passion and stay committed to it. 
  • Have Patience. Like they say Rome wasn’t built in a day. Likewise, anything that you start doesn’t give instant returns. 
  • Last but not the least, believe in yourself. Don’t look at affirmations from the outside world- from your friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Look at an affirmation from your own self. 

Jewels in the Crown

Positive Vibes

Positive Vibes has been bestowed with the honor of “The Startup Excellence Award – 2020” and has been recognized as one of the most promising startups doing path-breaking work by HR Success Talks in 2020.

Besides, Shivani Malhotra has been honored with the following awards:

  • BusinessWorld Education 40 under 40
  • HR Excellence Award – 2020 by HR Success Talks
  • First Position in “WE- Pitch HR 2020”, in the HR Entrepreneur category by Wommenovator (a global incubation cell for working women).

Company’s Vision & Future Projects

In the next year, the company has aggressive growth plans for the business. They are planning to launch many more certification courses which would not only be restricted to HR but would cover the areas of Marketing, Supply Chain, Design Thinking, and Finance & Strategy. They also plan to enhance their offerings to corporates by designing innovative “virtual” programs for a more “global” audience. Last but not the least; they will be hiring a great team of enthusiastic professionals who will partner with them to make all of the above happen.

Favorite Book

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma 

Favorite Quote

The “Best” Project that you will ever work on is “YOURSELF”! Work on becoming the best version of yourself! YOU are your only competition!

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