Shraddha Sheth - Gold GYM

Shraddha Sheth- Inspiring a Fit India

Home / Women / Shraddha Sheth- Inspiring a Fit India

Vice President of  F2 Fun and Fitness (Gold’s Gym India)- Ms. Shraddha Sheth shared a glimpse of her journey withThe Global Hues.

Joseph Pilates said, “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” On the same lines, the Vice president of Gold’s Gym– Ms. Shraddha is spreading happiness each day. After completing her post-graduation in food & nutrition, she started working as a nutritionist. Today, after 18 years, she spearheads strategy planning, sales, operations, marketing & fitness education for the brand Gold’s Gym. She is helping to make the brand omnipresent, by expanding and partnering with international clients.

Ms. Shraddha Sheth is constantly seeking greater challenges and keeps herself fit as part of her passion to be a role model to youngsters in the organization. “I am lucky, in my organization our promoters have always empowered me to take the right timely decision on what is best for the organization,” said Shraddha. Her fascination and motivation for work arise from the fact that after successfully achieving the milestone of millions, the purpose of Gold’s Gym is to change the lives of billions and make them achieve their fitness journey.

Shraddha shared “It’s all about people whether customers touchpoints or employee touchpoints. The emotion is gratifying.”

Fitness is the new Luxury

Shraddha sheth

Gold’s Gym falls under the healthcare wellness sector. Currently, Gold’s Gym has 137 clubs across India, giving the finest fitness experience, personal training with curated programs to make customers achieve their fitness goals and nutrition. The primary aim is to spread fitness across the country. Gold’s Gym is a Luxurious fitness experience. Members feel the gyms are their second home where they come to get rejuvenated and get fit. The company believes that each team member is a champion and complements each other’s strength to win a championship.

“Here for us winning a championship is equivalent to an increase in happy satisfied customers,” said Shraddha. There is a state-of-the-art facility where the gym floor is dominated by certified coaches who continuously support and handhold members. The company pampers all the members by giving group exercise community experience where they get toned with their friends, and make some new friends. One of the best parts of Gold’s Gym is no discrimination on a gender basis.

“In our organization, male or female are all treated equally and rationally,” said Shraddha. 

The Clientele

We have internal clients and external clients.

External: Members/Customers who purchase a membership and experience the gym as well as students who enroll for fitness education certification to become a personal trainer.

Internal: Our employees and team members. Gold’s Gym supports their clients by giving them good assistance on the gym floor, in the classroom, and quick response time to resolve their queries. They keep the faith, belief, and credibility intact amongst their customers.

Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs whilst emerging as a leader

Shraddha believes that women exercise more components of the Emotional Quotient to make clinical decisions whereas for the opposite gender it is otherwise. This may lead to conflict at the workplace. To overcome this conflict a long-term goal should be set mutually amongst all and balanced by each member who plays a key role in the company. It is essential to have a humane approach to life in general.

The challenges faced by women entrepreneurs help and support the team unconditionally in thick and thin. Women have proactive nature leading to high problem-solving abilities. The outside world perceives women to be weak, or consider they aren’t good decision-makers. However, in reality, they are sensitive in decision making, they can be clinical when it comes to making decisions in favor of the growth of an organization.

Daily Routine and Hobbies


Shraddha is an early riser. She looks forward to the refreshing morning. Her schedule starts early at 5 am. She believes in the value of home-made, healthy food and likes to cook herself. She likes to take a brisk walk every morning and meditate afterward for 10mins. Practicing mindfulness is very essential in her routine. The rest of her day is spent in work hustle. She calls it a day and sleeps early by 10 pm. 

Hobbies: Listening to Affirmations, dancing, shopping splurge.

Advice for females entrepreneurs

  • Don’t be fearful of gender bias, women are great multitaskers and they have the mental tenacity to overcome any challenge at work or home. Believe in yourself 
  • Allow the universe to transform you from a cocoon to a butterfly.

Source of inspiration

Shraddha derives her inspiration from speakers like Louise Hays, who was an amazing life coach. Hays affirmations and purpose spread lessons to live a mindful life.

Recognitions to Cherish

Shraddha Awards and achievements

Gold’s Gym has multiple awards for excellence under its belt.

  • Best Gym Chain in India 
  • People’s choice award
  • Best customer experience
  • Most admired fitness chain of the year
  • An award from Franchise India
  • 8 awards from Gold’s Gym International
  • Economic Times ET award for Excellence in Marketing 2013 & Excellence in Customer Service 2014.

Prospects of the company

The vision of the company is to make customers who join Gold’s Gyms fall in love with fitness and their clubs. Shraddha aims to create communities indoors and outdoors to promote solutions on Mind, Body & Soul. The Company is also actively looking forward to many exciting alliances which will enhance the customer experience. 

Favorite quote

“Hire great people and give them the freedom to be awesome.”

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