Hiring is the first step at creating a strong team that further results in a successful company reaching great heights. Hiring an appropriate candidate could be a tough nut to crack so the question arrives how to hire a candidate that results in greater success of the company. One must go through some out-of-the-box checklist to acquire a person with the right talent. Here are some specifically picked tips on how to hire a perfect candidate.

Don’t make it about yourself
Questions like what can you do for the company? How can you be an asset to the company? screams that the whole procedure and consequences are about you or your company. Try to shift the narrative towards the candidate, ask them about their goals, about the company or why do they think your company would benefit them or what do they hope to get out of it. Changing your role from just an employer to an opportunity for the candidate to accomplish something bigger would give a glimpse of future leadership quality in them.
Don’t lack a strategy
Several companies often fail to hire the appropriate person for the job. The reason behind this is rather simple. They don’t have a plan. They don’t pay attention to the preparation phase, so even when they narrow the field to just the correct person for the job, when they get to the finish line, they lose them for totally avoidable reasons—maybe someone made them a higher offer or counteroffer or, worse yet, maybe the person left the interview feeling like they wasted their time. So invest time in preparing a proper strategy.
Don’t focus just on skills
Making a checklist of all the skills you need in an employee seems like a smart choice but usually, the best hires are always those who do not fit in these boxes of the checklist. Ask questions that discuss what ideology do they believe in or what are their core values. As the person you’re going to hire is going to be in the team with others, will influence others and if ever promoted will then lead the team, it is important to know beforehand what mindset is going to drive your company in the future.
Don’t make it a transaction
A transaction is simply the exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds. You give the person some funds in exchange for the services they render. It seems like there’s nothing wrong with that but there is. A job holds more importance than money sometimes. It’s about building relationships, defining and fulfilling purposes, and above all building a career. If you just offer the job as a transaction what would the candidate do to work for the company? Nothing. They would only do it for their profits.
Break the stereotypes
Every candidate will be prepared for mainstream interview questions and that shows nothing new about the company. The candidate even if he’s hired would do nothing new as he never got to know what new does the company has to offer. Ask questions that seem fresh to the candidate, which makes him excited and enigmatic about the job.
Test the limits
Ask questions that put the candidate in circumstances where they are more likely to showcase their true selves. Notice how they react and observe how would they perform in asked situations. Allow your employees to respond or help as you are not the only person who is going to work with this candidate. They’re a team of employees that will have to interact with him or her every day. So you should be aware of their decision-making under pressure.
Showcase your culture
Showcase your groundwork by identifying your company’s culture and core values. Everyone must be passionate about what their values are and hold them sacred. They must be protected and defended by every person in your company so that no decisions are made before the question, “How does this decision reflect our core values?” is adequately answered. When you ask a candidate about culture; it should be about the person you’re talking to and how they might see themselves in your organization. Make them think that they already belong here and are welcomed as they are already a part of the team.
Know your candidate
It is not only about what the candidate has to offer or what the candidate would perform in the future. The biggest thing that foretells whether someone is going to be the right candidate or not is what they have done before. Past performance and behavior remain the best predictor of future behavior. So take a good amount of time in knowing your candidate, know their past actions and achievements. Always remember that good candidates would already appear as an appropriate asset to the company by their prior experience.
If you invest in the procedure to hire a good candidate it would surely result positively in the future, making your company a better workplace and possibly an emerging company in the hands of future achievers of the market.