Majestic Mantras By Anand Mahindra

Majestic Mantras By Anand Mahindra


“Leaders don’t look behind or to the side. Instead, they look ahead.”

“Leaders don't look behind or to the side. Instead, they look ahead.”

An effective leader will focus on the future rather than dwelling on the past or getting distracted by what others are doing. They always think forward, set goals, and make plans to achieve them. When a leader looks ahead they can anticipate future challenges, seize opportunities and make changes that keep the organisation on the right path.

“You have to treat every day as a new challenge, and you have to remain paranoid, as they say.”

“You have to treat every day as a new challenge, and you have to remain paranoid, as they say.”

As a leader, every day you might face new challenges and obstacles as a leader, and you must approach each day with caution. Stay alert and be aware of the potential threats or problems you might face today or tomorrow. If you stay vigilant, you will be prepared to handle unexpected challenges and protect yourselves and your interests.

“When you set the right targets and aspirations, you work efficiently and diligently, and the numbers happen.”

“When you set the right targets and aspirations, you work efficiently and diligently, and the numbers happen.”

People create several goals but not many can fulfil them. It is essential to create achievable goals. Once, you set achievable goals, work hard and consistently towards them. You will see a positive result in the numbers or outcomes you have been measuring.

“The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced your business model.”

“The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced your business model.”

Businesses should keep evolving according to the client’s needs and industry demands. You must actively work to make adjustments and improvements within your business operations. When there are positive changes such as innovation, efficiency enhancements, or better customer experiences continuously, you will see improvements in your business model.

“Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.”

“Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.”

Sustainability impacts businesses daily. It’s not about implementing sustainable practices occasionally but a fundamental part of how businesses function & make and implement decisions.

“Sometimes the only kind of innovation comes when you have some solitude; when you step away.”

“Sometimes the only kind of innovation comes when you have some solitude; when you step away.”

As a leader, every day you are presented with ideas, challenges, and solutions. You might feel suffocated or your thoughts might become cluttered. Stepping away allows you to clear your mind and focus, think creatively, and come up with new solutions or approaches you hadn’t considered.

“Nobody understands how the world will change. The only way you can plan for the future is to have scenarios. You have to have the courage to take a leap of faith in one of them.”

“Nobody understands how the world will change. The only way you can plan for the future is to have scenarios.

It means that it’s impossible to predict exactly how the world will change in the future. The best way to prepare is to consider different possible scenarios and outcomes and even though there might be uncertainty, you must have the courage to commit to a particular path forward.

“There is a degree of freedom that creates aspirations.”

“There is a degree of freedom that creates aspirations.”

When people have a certain level of freedom, it allows them to dream and aspire for more. An individual who can make choices feels empowered. They envision a better future for themselves and achieve their dreams and aspirations.

“I have always said that more than ‘big bang’ reforms, it is every day what is happening, changing on the ground.”

“I have always said that more than 'big bang' reforms, it is every day what is happening, changing on the ground

As a business leader, you shouldn’t solely focus on major or dramatic reforms. What truly matters is every day actions and changes that occur on the ground. When you make small and incremental improvements, it leads to a lasting impact on society.

“Benchmarking is an ongoing exercise in any company that aspires for leadership.”

“Benchmarking is an ongoing exercise in any company that aspires for leadership.”

As a leader, you should constantly compare your company’s performance, practices, and standards against other leading companies to find out your weaknesses and work on them. It helps drive your company towards achieving higher standards and better results.

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