Digital Learning A New Era Of Education

Digital Learning: A New Era of Education

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George Couros once said that “Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” This simply proves the power that technology withholds and the changes we can see in the digital learning also. With the advancement in technology, there are many kinds of digital devices, educational devices, and mobile apps that are entering the market.

The 21st century is undeniably the era of the digital world. We have become so dependent on technology and the internet that we can’t even do simple tasks on our own. Digital technological development can be seen in the field of education. Gone are the days when teachers used to teach through blackboards and chalks. The education system is becoming digital and web-based to strengthen the learning experience of students.

what is digital learning

What is digital learning

Digital learning is a process of web-based learning in which knowledge is imparted to the students with the help of information technology or technology-enhanced educational strategies. In this type of learning, institutions use large projectors, LCD screens, and other digital tools. Nowadays, the system of smart classes is used in schools and colleges to facilitate a better learning experience. It also helps in better engagement and makes the learning process more interesting and interactive. The teachers, instead of following the conventional system of writing everything on blackboards, are educating the students through projectors and smart classes.


Irrespective of the fact that digital learning requires a lot of investment and training to operate the digital tools, digital learning has acquired a greater significance in the contemporary era. Digital learning not only saves the time of the educators as well as students but also provides transparency in the learning process. It helps a teacher to analyze the growth of all the students and therefore, makes learning a better experience. There are several other aspects which make digital learning more interactive and interesting:

    No matter how digital the learning process becomes, tutors are important to teach a student in a structured and organized manner. Digital learning does not come with exceptions. Institutions are conducting training sessions to guide the teachers about digital tools. The process of teaching has changed but the basic responsibility of imparting the knowledge remains the same.
    Every student has his/her learning capabilities. Digital learning provides a space for the student to learn at their own speed. Unlike the traditional method of teaching wherein every student was required to study at the same speed, the online availability of tutorial videos makes the process of learning easier for students. Students can watch a particular video as many times as they want to understand the concepts.
    Digitalized content is exciting to learn because academicians use visuals and graphics to explain concepts and theories. This makes any boring concept interesting. Furthermore, the content is available on a wide variety of devices like smartphones, laptops, computers, tablets, and other electronic gadgets. You can choose any technical device according to your comfort and budget.


Disadvantages of digital learning

Although, there are many advantages of digital learning it has certain drawbacks that can not be ignored. Some of them are:

    It sometimes becomes difficult to install affordable broadband at home. As digital learning requires a strong internet connection, if any student fails to get broadband installed, it affects the learning process and thus hampers his/her overall growth.
    Training sessions help a teacher to learn new digital tools. However, it is not easy to learn new roles and responsibilities. It becomes challenging for a tutor to impart knowledge using digital technology. There are many drawbacks such as network issues, backward areas, weak connection, audio-visual problems, and so on. Well prepared strategies and solutions are required to overcome the drawbacks.
    To teach through digital technology can be an expensive affair as software and hardware keep updating day by day. Innovations and technologies enter the market at a fast pace. It becomes difficult for the schools to stay up to date. Therefore, it is not feasible for everyone to adapt to new methods smoothly. Poverty-stricken areas are affected the most.
    Digital Learning is becoming important day by day. It has achieved a lot so far but there are many loopholes that are yet to be solved. Digital learning which is breaking the shackles of traditional learning methods can contribute a lot to the development of society as a whole. Therefore, It can be the ultimate change, the newness in education, the update which was long overdue.

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