Parveen Ranolia Founder & Ceo Ranolia Ventures


Magazine Tech

The emergence of new-age technology has resulted in the mass usage of mobile and web applications. With an aim to provide best-in-class web and mobile app development solutions, Ranolia Ventures was founded in 2015. Ranolia Ventures is a preeminent app development and digital marketing agency that aims to fine-tune any business, create spectacular apps, and enhance the digital presence of various clients across several industry verticals. It evaluates a brand’s needs, develops powerful strategies, and maximizes profit by boosting the ROI of the client’s business steadily, reliably, and efficiently. 

Ranolia Ventures re-engineers the latest technology and framework to best fit the business needs and demands. It makes tailor-made solutions for every client to ensure they meet their envisioned goals and that’s what makes Ranolia Ventures unique in the market. 

Ranolia Ventures has rapidly grown and become a global company with the continuous efforts of Parveen Ranolia, the Founder and CEO of the company. He holds a degree in B. Tech but his interest towards Digital Marketing aided him in pursuing a career in this field. With the help of Parveen Ranolia, the company is delivering innovative, unique, and personally engineered expertise in every niche of Digital Marketing and App Development around the globe.


The company provides top-quality services across various industry verticals:

  • Web Development Services

It includes building interactive web fronts with the most advanced technologies and frameworks from scratch or over existing infrastructure. Under web development services, it offers PHP, Laravel, Zend, Angular, Node JS, Mean Stack, and Python development solutions. 

  • Mobile App Development 

It includes building agile and interactive mobile apps in its ultra-modern in-house technology labs. It offers Android App & iOS development, and Cross-Platform application services.

  • E-commerce Solution

The company helps businesses build e-commerce platforms to ease their businesses. Word Press, Magento & Shopify development are the key offerings under E-commerce solution. 

  • Hybrid App Development

It builds competent products matching the needs of the clients by offering Ionic App development, react native & Xamarin App development services. 

  • CRM and ERP

The company provides optimum solutions for CRM and ERP best matching the business needs. It helps companies organize various functions such as marketing, sales, customer service, and technical support for managing customers, records, and reviews. The company has an experienced team of ERP professionals that is proficient in end-to-end management of the tracking and booking software for seamless automation of clients’ business operations.

  • Design and Graphics Services

Ranolia Ventures’s experienced graphics designers build interactive and captivating designs for websites or any digital front. Logo designing, UI/UX designing, video editing, and business card designing are some of the services it offers under design services.

  • Digital Marketing Services

It devises the best digital marketing strategies and offers search engine optimization, social media optimization, content, email & video marketing, and PPC & paid ad services to boost the bottom line of its clientele.


Ranolia Ventures has worked with clients belonging to various industry verticals. Some of them are Katoa fitness, Greenfield, Any Movers, Stakich, to name a few. The company has an 89% client retention rate mainly attributed to its various collaboration models. 

It has introduced 3 models to give better services to its clients. These are: 

  • Fixed Priced Model: It assures a fixed rate to the client before commencing the project. It is the most sought solution for lengthy projects where time and expenditure are uncertain.
  • Hire Dedicated Model: It offers a long-term collaboration solution for clients where a dedicated team works solely on the client’s project. The client can add on their requirements at any time and pay accordingly.
  • Hourly Software Development Model: The clients can hire experts from the company for a fixed number of hours. This model ensures a cost-effective approach and individual communication with the developers.


The mission of the company is to be a catalyst in the app development and digital marketing industry and help its clients realize their true potential via innovative app development and lucrative brand marketing strategies. The vision is to be the kingpins revolutionizing the new era of the IT industry around the globe.


Like many organizations, Ranolia Ventures also has a lot of teams. One team of developers provides solutions, the other team makes interactive web fronts design, and another team gives IT services. Together it builds up a desirable product modified in the best interest of the client. To achieve a better result, all the teams work simultaneously, taking feedbacks and making necessary adjustments. It encourages collaboration rather than competition and takes the client’s best interest in mind.


When asked about the biggest challenge faced by Ranolia Ventures, Parveen said, “During the lockdown period, our teams were working in silos. It was hard to bring out the same level of enthusiasm. We were habituated to working in teams, taking feedbacks simultaneously, and improving our projects along the way. It was harder to track bottlenecks. It was more difficult to know who was facing what issues (both technically and emotionally). We incorporated Teramind, an employee monitoring tool, and Basecamp, a reporting tool to make lives easier for our employees and clients whose projects had lined up for completion. While these tools helped make our work smoother, we also held daily meetings to not let our employees feel secluded. We also held online activities weekly to uplift the team morale. It was a tough time, but we turned around the situation.”


“If you never try, you will never know. So, don’t hesitate to try new things. Your life is not mapped-out by some destiny. You make your destiny. If you have the passion, give your all to keep that passion ignited, and success will come to you,” said Parveen when asked to give a piece of advice to budding entrepreneurs.


According to Parveen, you cannot define your success with some metrics. As long as you pursue your happiness, you will be successful. In Ranolia Ventures, the company measures success as a satisfaction ratio for both its clients and employees. It believes that all its employees should have a satisfying working experience as much as its happy returning clients.


Ranolia Ventures has successfully achieved a CMMI maturity level-3. It is providing impeccable service for more than five years on par with globally accepted standards. It has developed more than 500 apps with its fast-increasing team of over 200 developers. 

In the next five years, Ranolia Ventures envisions itself at the frontier of app development and to grow swiftly with the ever-changing technology world. It hopes to provide its existing clientele and future clients with state-of-the-art technological solutions to soar high in the market.

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