What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

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Social media slowly grew into a part of our lives. It’s unimaginable to think of a life without social media now. The social media circuit has also impressed a major chunk of Businesses now, leading to various goods and services online. Social media has provided new ways of getting business out there in the market directly. There is plenty of importance of social media

Social media’s influence runs way deeper ranging from departments like sales, human resources, product development, and market research. Many successful campaigns are being launched. However, the struggle of reaching heights on social media can’t be overlooked. 

social media | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

Popular public opinion is to stop trying when expected outcomes aren’t achieved. We are fast in blaming ourselves for not achieving growth as desired. Social media works in its ways and algorithms. While some things can be controlled others are just based on various factors. 

10 most common problems faced by businesses and businessmen on social media: 

1. A Social Media Strategy:

As basic as it might look, the strategy is everything to business growth. A social media strategy is nothing but the actions and workflow you need to maintain to achieve the desired goal via social networking. This can be a daunting task. To build an effective social media strategy, one should start from a well-planned list of objectives and goals. Every goal should be aligned with an elaborate market strategy. Making specific goals ensures their better implementation. In simpler terms, the goal of social media strategy is to allow work in a certain pattern. It also reflects on the business success directly.

2. Social Media ROI:

It is extremely hard to know the ROI of your social media account. ROI is the result you get for your time and investment in social media marketing. In the traditional online marketing method, it is easier to calculate ROI as per ad clicks. However, it is hard to determine the value of tweet sharing and spreading. Every business has a different way of calculating ROI, it is primarily important to set a specific goal and calculate the ROI in that particular direction only.

This way you can also interlink your social media strategy to your ROI. It is really important to put up a number for the expected goals you desire. In the case of Instagram, it can be the number of likes or followers whereas in the case of a media company it can be the number of newsletter subscribers. With the right knowledge, tools, and resources it becomes easy to analyze the growth of a business online.

social media likes | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

3. Employees are your brand:

Are you wondering how? Well, just imagine how the number of employees working for an organization in itself comes around as a large audience. They are the hidden guns that can be used to boost your reach and spread awareness. Employees are the people who are the essence of your company, and it’s only suitable to utilize them for generating organic leads. It is easier to create content that is specially curated for the brand ambassadors or the employees to share on social media.

4. Using the right platform:

It can get really hard to choose the right social media platform for promoting your business. To target the correct audience, choosing the right platform is necessary. More than 66% of adults in the US use social media. Approximately 70% of people make their buying decision using social media. And a large chunk i.e. 90% of the population connects directly with the brand using social media. These stats are enough to justify opting for the right platform for the best outcomes. The only way to work smoothly into this is by trying and testing every social media platform. The platform which engages your target group the most should be your sole focus later on.

businesses that bloom on social media | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

5. Organic reach is important:

Now, there are various promotion options to make your posts reach a wide array of public, but is it worth it? Anything you publish on social media might not reach the number of people you expected. There’s a hard competition on social media as daily 95 million pictures are posted on Instagram, 500 million tweets on Twitter, and 350 million posts on Facebook. It can become extremely hard to stand out in these circumstances.

Everything on social media is on a trial basis. Trends change every day so does the public’s preference. You need to stay up-to-date with the latest presentation for which your target audience is rooting. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram also provide insights now to help understand the dynamics of growth better and improve where you are lagging.

6. Being part of a Regulated Industry:

Amidst the loved and well looked out companies, certain companies are strictly regulated. They include alcoholic beverages, healthcare, financial institutions and government institutions. Social media holds a lot of power and compiles Businesses from small to large. Many marketing strategies are used to gain better engagement but the regulated industries have to take every step carefully. The best way to stay out of any trouble alongside building a great social media presence is to follow all the rules, laws and guidelines specific to your industry.

businesses | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

7. Giving it a Human Touch:

Not all platforms are answering you themselves. There’s a recent growth in Artificial intelligence technology leading to various automated answers and customer dealing mechanisms. This might come as a help for businesses but not in the long run. Customers appreciate the human touch. It binds your target audience to visit your page, again and again, building a mutual bond of trust and honesty. As per statistics, 60% of people are annoyed by the advertisements of Businesses.

Reaching out in public with a motive to sell may not work out all the time. Sometimes all you need is to build a mutual benefit relationship, a giveaway or a humanistic relation with your audience. One way of doing this is via storytelling. It builds your position in the heart of audiences and makes you more relatable. As per Sprout Social Index of Q3 2016, 1 in 4 people get annoyed when you don’t respond to them.

8. Always reaching out for better:

Looking out for better and improved content is a necessity but that doesn’t make it any easier. Only 10% of people retain the information they hear. This number jumps to 65% when the information is associated with a photo or a video. To create efficient visual content, one must constantly keep looking for new tools or techniques. Communication is important but effective communication is the key. Visual data has progressively occupied every Social media platform.

statistics | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?

9. Being truthful with your audience:

It is extremely important to understand the demand of your consumers to know the truth about the products. There might be questions asked by your viewers which must be answered honestly to retain a long-term relationship. Communication is incomplete if it’s only one way. It is only justified to reply and indulge one on one with the public. Social media’s whole purpose was to make communication easy. It is important to remember that social media is the only way for the public to reach out directly to a brand.

10. Sharing is caring:

Have you ever heard the saying ‘Sharing is Caring’? Well, it applies to social media too. A single retweet by a famous page or personality can suddenly boost your growth. When it comes to social media, the number of shares can determine a lot about your growth. If you make sure your content is interesting and relatable, no one can stop it from being shared. It can be hard to create such content but when it turns out well the happiness is surreal.

businesses are getting on social media platforms | What are the problems faced by businessmen on social media?


Engagement has become a huge part of marketing and business, it is a major metric source to determine the reach, growth, and effectiveness of a business. Making an influential social media presence is not an option anymore but a way towards success.

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