yoga poses



There are a lot of negative physical reactions created when the body is not in movement. With increased working hours and unhealthy routines due to the work-from-home setup in the Covid-19 pandemic, it is prominent to practice yoga that can undo the damage caused and make your body fit. Do these 5 yoga poses that will help you undo the damage of a high-pressure job by helping to calm the mind.

1. Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog

  • This asana is also known as the Adho Mukha Svanasana.
  • To come into this pose, create an inverted “V’ shape.
  • Keep your hands outstretched in front and lift the hips and ground the feet (at about hip-width apart) into the floor. 
  • Place all the fingers into the floor and point them forward, bring all your focus on your breath as you enjoy this relaxing stretch for 30-60 seconds.


2. Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose

  • This pose is popularly known as ‘Tadasana’.
  • Come to a comfortable standing position keeping feet hip-width apart.
  • Put your hands up over your head with palms facing forward and thumbs hooked as you bend backwards and breathe deeply.
  • The mountain pose is a powerful pose to free up tight chest muscles and should be practiced regularly.


3. Standing Forward Fold

Standing Forward Fold

  • This yoga pose is also named as Uttanasana.
  • Stand upright with your feet at hip-width distance, and gently bend forward from the hips to come into the forward bend. 
  • To keep the tension off the lower back, bend the knees slightly. 
  • Try including an arm bind to stretch the shoulders.
  • Interlock your hands at the lower back and stretch the arms over your head and hands as much as you can towards the ground in front of you.
  • For those with tight shoulders, you can hold a belt between your hands, allowing the shoulders to get a deep but less intense stretch.


4. Fish pose

Fish pose

  • This pose is also popularly known as Matsyasana.
  • To be into the pose, sit on your hips with legs stretched out together in front of you and toes pointed sharply.
  • Place your hands beneath your hips and lean backwards to prop yourself up on your forearms. 
  • Lift your chest above the shoulders and drop the head back to the ground behind you. 
  • Breathe deeply and remain in the pose for around 15-30 seconds.


5. Cat & Cow Pose

Cat & Cow Pose

  • This pose is also known as Marjaryasana & Bitilasana.
  • Keep your hands and knees on the floor in a tabletop position with a neutral spine. 
  • When inhaling, round the spine and curve up into the cat pose. On exhaling, arch the back and lift the chest up to come into a cow pose. 
  • Repeat this process, three to five times, keeping your attention on the breath.



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