10 Best Shoulder Workout For Women

10 Best Shoulder Workout for Women for a Toned Body

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Shoulders enhance the overall structure and appearance of an individual. Something that compliments the whole personality. That is why people who are regular gym-goer, works a lot on sculpting out a fine shoulder shape. Women with a heavy shoulder shape are adamant to have toned shoulders and boost their overall appearance. Whether one wants to hit the floor with traditional ethnic wear or is planning to nail down the fashion fads with ultimate western wear, toned shoulders complement every look. A sleek pair of shoulders gives a lot of confidence. Shoulder workouts help to create a toned, well balanced, healthy body. Here we have mentioned best shoulder workouts that you can consider while doing your exercises.

So here are some of the best shoulder workouts for women:

Before starting with the shoulder workouts, make sure you are spending ten minutes warming up the muscles. It reduces the risk of injuries during the exercise and stretches the muscles into motion.

1. PUSH-UPS: –

PUSH-UPS - shoulder exercises for women

The best thing about Push-ups is that they require no equipment except your will and a little space in your room. Push-ups are one of the workouts for women that helps in whole-body transformation. However, the major remark remains on shaping up your shoulders.

Just place your hands right under your shoulders and tighten your belly.

Now, press your hands against the floor, inhale and slowly lift your body. Exhale and get back to your previous posture.

Now keep performing it until you are sweating. Thereupon take a five minutes break and perform your next workout.


REVERSE FLY shoulder workouts for women

Just stand straight with your legs close to each other. Grab the dumbbells in each hand. Now, bend your knees at a 45° angle and lean slightly in the front. The reverse fly is counted to be one of the most promising shoulder workouts for women. It helps in reducing triceps fat and carving out an impressive pair of shoulders. Dumbbells are needed to perform this exercise.

Then, gradually raise your hands half in both the sides, pause, and then slowly take them down. Keep doing this for a while and take a 5 minutes break before following another exercise.


shoulder workouts for women

Plank-ups influence the shoulders immensely in shaping them up. Planks also have other benefits, such as it curbs out the excess intensity of gaining weight and reduce the arm fat.

This exercise also makes a statement as one of the best shoulder workouts for women. We need no equipment to perform this workout. Just position yourself in a plank posture.

You must make sure to keep your belly tighten up in the whole process. Now, respectively straighten your left arm and then the right arm to lift yourself. Then, bend your arms one by one respectively.

Make sure that you are positioning your arms right under your shoulders. Try not to shiver. Hold the posture for a while to allow sweating. After completing the exercise rest for a while and then continue with other exercises.


ELBOW PLANK - best shoulder workouts for women

No tool is required in performing this workout. All it needs is your attention. Now lift your body on your knees and hands. Then stretch your legs straight. Bend your arms and position them parallel to your shoulder. Elbow planks are equally beneficial for sculpting a pair of incredibly toned shoulders.

Now keep your body into that position for 40-50 seconds and then get back to your former position. This shoulder workout will help in shaping the shoulders quite easily.


best shoulder excercise for women

To perform this exercise, we need a single dumbbell. Now grab the dumbbell with both hands and place them right over the head. Must keep the hand straight.

Triceps extension has an enormous significance in sculpting arms and shoulders. It reduces the biceps and triceps fat in an incredibly beautiful way, giving them a lean look.

Now bend them gradually to the rear of your neck. Gradually bring them back to their former position. Keep doing this for a while then stop to take rest.


ARNOLD PRESS - women workout
PC: Oxygen Magazine

Before you start this exercise, make sure that you do not have any shoulder injury. To do this exercise, stand with feet under shoulders, soft bend in knees. Hold a pair of dumbbells at chin height. Your arms should be narrow in front of your body.

Now you need to open your elbows out wide to sides until inner arms face forward. After doing this, press the weights overhead carefully and rotate arms away from your body. Now start the same process again.
If you are suffering from back pain or any other back problem, it’s safe to prefer a seated Arnold press.


Another vital shoulder exercise for women is the neutral grip shoulder press. For performing this exercise, start standing with feet under your shoulders, soft bend in knees. Then you have to hold a pair of dumbbells at chin height.

Your arms should be narrow in front of the body and palms facing inward. Press the weight overhead until the biceps frame face. Stay in that position for one second and then take three seconds to slowly lower the dumbbells. Your one rep is completed.


bent over fly exercise
PC: Pinterest

If you want to do Bent-over fly exercise, hold dumbbells in each hand with knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the hip point and make sure that your back is flat.

Lift both arms out to the side while squeezing shoulder blades together. Try to maintain a slight bend in the elbows. Carefully lower the dumbbells back to the ground. Your one rep is complete. Start it again and try to complete 10-12 reps per set.


shoulder and back workout for females
PC: Women’s Health

Shoulder tap is one of the most vital exercises as it targets plenty of muscles, especially transverse abdominals and obliques.

Start the exercise in a plank position with your legs hip-width apart. The body should form one straight line against the floor. Now with proper control, lift one palm to the top of the opposite arm and tap it for one second. Return to start and repeat it. Do it at least for 30 seconds.

Doing shoulder taps daily will help in strengthening the core and gaining overall fitness in the body.


exercise for shoulders female
PC: Sweat

This exercise should always be tried if you are planning to start a shoulder workout as it helps in building strength and power in the front and sides of your shoulders.

For performing this exercise, stand with fit shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing the body. Keep your elbows straight and lift arms until they reach shoulder height.

Now slowly open your arms 90 degrees to sides. Now reverse the movement carefully and return to the start. This completes your one rep. You can complete 15 reps per set.

Bottom Line
The above-mentioned shoulder workouts for women work impressively in sculpting the best shoulder pattern and should be tried for the overall fitness of the body.

This will not bring a change within a day or a week but one has to perform them routinely. That will draw a change in the shape of your shoulders as well as the body.

Remember: ‘Patience is a virtue’
Do not hurry during workouts or for effective results. Perform it in a relaxing manner. This will draw a wonderful change in your appearance. Good things always take time.

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