
Ultimate Office Games for Stronger Team Bonds



  • Which games involve baby-guessing photos?

  • Name the game that requires participants not to smile while staring.

  • Which game involves acting out movie titles without speaking?

  • In which game do participants guess words from sticky notes on their foreheads?

When you think of the office, you picture work, meetings and presentations. But imagine turning your cubicle into a playground, where teamwork isn’t just a buzzword, but an adventure that brings you and your colleagues together. Scientists believe happy workers are more productive, so adding a bit of fun to the office makes sense. 

Whether for team building, bonding, or just a break between tasks, these games help boost your employees’ morale and keep things lively. This article looks into the top 10 games that help promote teamwork in the office. Let’s learn more about these games and how they can be implemented in your office.

Top 10 Games To Promote Teamwork In Office

  • Guess That Baby

In this game, everyone shares a baby photo of themselves and their coworker guesses who the picture belongs to. Playing this game helps increase team bonding by sparking conversations, laughter and creating fun moments. It allows team members to learn more about each other’s backgrounds, which helps develop teamwork and fosters a sense of connection & understanding. Furthermore, you can play this fun office game remotely.

  • Don’t Smile

This game involves six to ten people who have to sit or stand in a circle. The goal is to stare at each other without smiling and the person who stays till the last wins. Moreover, this game is great for boosting energy and engagement. It’s perfect for welcoming new employees and easing the tension of stressful projects.

  • Head’s Up

It’s a guessing game where one person holds the phone on their forehead, unable to see the word on the screen. The others can see the word and give clues to help them guess it. There can be several categories for the words ranging from singers to animals. This game builds teamwork by encouraging communication and collaboration. The guessing part helps everyone think quickly and creates a fun and interactive atmosphere that promotes teamwork.

  • Charades

In this game, one player from the opposing team is selected and given the name of a movie. The chosen player then acts out the movie title without speaking or pointing to objects, aiming to help their teammates guess the correct name. If the team guesses correctly, they earn a point; if not, the opposing team wins. The game enhances teamwork by encouraging players to communicate non-verbally and work together to solve clues. 

  • Blindfold Drawing

In the Blindfold drawing, one team member puts on a blindfold and tries to draw on a board while the rest give verbal directions. Since the drawer can’t see the board, they rely on their teammate’s instruction to create the picture. The challenge lies in matching what you imagine, with what you actually draw, making it a fun and engaging activity. 

This game is an excellent team-building exercise. It helps improve communication and collaboration as team members give clear instructions and work together to help the blindfolded player draw. Additionally, it boosts problem-solving skills and creates fun, memorable moments.

  • Pitch A Desk Item

This fun game can be played on Fridays or Saturdays. Participants have to use their marketing skills to promote an item they have chosen from their desks. They can create marketing strategies, design logos and come up with slogans. Subsequently, they can pitch their product and explain who their target customers are and how the product is useful. The team with the best pitch wins.

This game helps develop teamwork by encouraging team members to collaborate on creating a compelling pitch. They learn to brainstorm together, share ideas and combine their strengths to design marketing strategies and presentations. 

  • Human Snake Game

Human Snake Game is a fun team-building activity that focuses on trust and collaboration. If you want to play this game, create a clear space in your office and place obstacles like books or tissues on the floor. Everyone should line up in a straight line, and all except the first person are blindfolded. The leader navigates through the obstacles and the rest must follow the lead without stepping on them. If someone does, the game restarts.

This game enhances teamwork by building trust and improving communication. The team must rely on their leader’s guidance and each other to navigate the obstacles successfully. It encourages participants to listen carefully and follow instructions, which are important for effective teamwork.

  • What can you feel?

It is a fun and interesting game, where a person is blindfolded and tries to identify items in the basket by touching them. Use objects that are present in the office, just ensure that they are not sharp or can cause harm. The player who guesses all or most of the items correctly wins the game. 

This game helps develop teamwork by encouraging participants to communicate clearly and support each other. Team members can offer hints or guidance, thereby fostering cooperation and trust as they work together to identify the items.

  • Guess The Secret Word

It is a fun office game that requires only sticky notes and a pen. Start the game by writing an action, object, or any other word on a piece of paper and stick it on the participant’s forehead without them knowing what it says. Other team members can give clues through gestures but cannot say any words. The participant then tries to guess the secret word based on the clues.

This game supports teamwork by encouraging clear communication and creative thinking. Players rely on non-verbal cues and interpret gestures to guess the word, building understanding and cooperation. 

  • Human Knot

It is an office game that boosts morale and builds teams. To play, create a space for the game, and if you have a larger group, divide it into smaller teams. Players will stand in a circle, shoulder-to-shoulder and hold hands with two different people to form a knot. The goal is to untangle the knot without letting go of hands. If anyone lets go, the game restarts and the first team to untie the knot without breaking the rules wins.

This game builds teamwork by encouraging players to communicate and solve problems together. It is essential to talk and work together to untangle the knot, which fosters trust and cooperation.

The Bottom Line

The article talks about how fun games in your office can improve teamwork, communication and overall job satisfaction. These games not only offer a break from the usual work routine but also help team members bond and collaborate.

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