SWOT Analysis: Benefits | Importance | Uses

SWOT Analysis: Benefits | Importance | Uses

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Are you confused about your future? Facing trouble in building a company’s strategy?  Try SWOT analysis.

SWOT is the abbreviation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Therefore, a SWOT analysis is nothing but an analysis of these four components. It can be performed for individual life or a company. Nowadays SWOT is given extreme importance in the analysis of a company’s strategies and future planning. It can assemble the four major Business components, providing a wide view. 

Why SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis | SWOT Analysis: Benefits | Importance | Uses
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Taking into consideration the available scenario and resources in reach, a business can be planned to your advantage by using SWOT analysis. It reduces the chances of failure, promotes you in the right direction, shows the wrongs of your working ways, and makes you aware of what’s coming next. It can be used as a weapon to lead among the competitive market by distinguishing your unique elements and crafts from others. 

How to use SWOT analysis?

There are two ways in which an organization or Company can approach SWOT analysis.

  1. To kick start a strategy formulation informally, people are brought together to work on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 
  2. A more formal approach with sophisticated tools and methods.

In both of these cases, the common thing is to conduct a meeting with different sections of your company. Form a team with heads of each department and brainstorm together for each category to make an efficient SWOT analysis chart. Not just heads but every level of the organizational structure must be considered for their review on the four pillars. Write down the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat in their relevant sections on the grid. 

To get a better understanding of this concept, let’s see it this way. 

Strengths and weaknesses are internal elements of a company that is under some sort of control of the company. This can include intellectual property, team members, patents, trademarks, etc. 

On the other hand comes Opportunities and threats that are external elements. They are not in control of a company. They are the most immediate. It talks about a larger market, a bigger area. Opportunities are positives, by taking advantage of upcoming opportunities, a company can bloom whereas threats work against the company, giving a negative outlook of external factors that might impact your business. Both of these elements are unchangeable. It includes competition, shopping trends of customers, new technologies, etc. 

A SWOT analysis places a company’s or individual’s top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into an organized manner which is presented in a two-by-two simple grid.

Who should do a SWOT analysis?

benefits of SWOT | SWOT Analysis: Benefits | Importance | Uses
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For a SWOT analysis to be powerful, organization founders and pioneers should be profoundly included. This isn’t an errand that can be assigned to other people. Yet, organization initiative shouldn’t accomplish the work all alone, either. For best outcomes, you’ll need to accumulate a gathering of individuals who have alternate points of view on the organization. Select individuals who can speak to various parts of your organization, from deals and client support to promoting and item improvement. Everybody should have a chair at the table.

Existing organizations can utilize a SWOT examination to survey their present circumstance and decide a technique to push ahead. It is important to recall that things are continually changing and you’ll need to reevaluate your procedure after every six years.

For new companies, a SWOT analysis is essential for business planning. It’ll help arrange a technique so you start on the correct foot and know the right direction to proceed.

Importance of SWOT analysis

The SWOT Analysis makes business pioneers stop what they are doing and survey where the organization is going. It is the sign of a vital arrangement, and it empowers professionals to plunk down with all inner partners to talk about the short and long-haul objectives of the organization. Experiencing the SWOT cycle permits pioneers to set aside the effort to not miss out on any rewarding chances.

SWOT is a huge aspect of strategic planning, however, numerous companies are not using this instrument for many reasons. As indicated by PMI, 61 percent of respondents recognize that their organizations regularly battle to overcome any issues between the technique plan and its everyday execution. Extensions Business Consultancy found that 70% of Business leaders go through SWOT Analysis in less time than a day. This apparatus is so basic in its creation that it can help in solving issues if suitably executed.

Benefits of a SWOT Analysis

Simple explanation of SWOT | SWOT Analysis: Benefits | Importance | Uses
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SWOT analysis has numerous benefits. It is almost perfect to analyze any situation.

Its benefits include:

  • Applicable to any company and situation

The SWOT Analysis is so basic in its arrangement that it very well can be applied to any organization in any industry. It can likewise be utilized among a wide scope of circumstances and key activities.

  • One single tool can help in the analysis of four factors

Many evaluation tools are available to access various factors of a business separately, SWOT on the other hand works on four major pillars together at a single time. This also means saving important time leading to better work efficiency.

  • Complete Data Integration

There is a great deal of work needed in making a SWOT Analysis, and pioneers can profit from the mix of quantitative and subjective data. Having this information accessible can improve arranging, increment correspondence, and at last lead to better dynamic.

  • Reduced cost

Pioneers needn’t bother with a costly software purchase or programming or advisor to come in to control them through the cycle of the company’s planning and strategies. All leaders require is a spreadsheet and time to perform a wholesome SWOT Analysis. 

  • Simple approach

There is no requirement for preparing or specialized aptitudes to finish this cycle. Subsequently, anybody can do SWOT. Likewise, its effortlessness makes it simpler for others to comprehend the cycle and the outcomes so the head of the department can rapidly impart the data to other staff individuals paying little heed to their situation in the organization. 

  • Assists Companies With Playing Offense and Defense

Based on the time when Business leaders choose to do a SWOT Analysis, it can assist with revealing open doors for gainfulness or battle off new contenders that have entered the market. In any case, this analysis empowers company heads to make an efficient plan for expanding their strengths or overseeing weaknesses and threats relying upon the situation.


Overall, SWOT analysis always works in a company’s favor. It is easy to use, has a wide array of benefits and results, and leads to a better understanding of the overall market. Most companies have SWOT as an integrated part of their system. Without a proper strategy, a company can’t run smoothly for long. SWOT analysis can be a path to a bright future.

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