Co-Founders Wondrx


Health Magazine

“Patients and Healthcare providers are at the center of whatever we do!”

Pankaj Sindhu and Pankaj Agrawal (Co-Founders, WONDRx)

The non- digitization of medical records is bringing a lot of challenges and a tremendous opportunity loss on data insights led research, non-aggregation of demand and supply monitoring, and siloed healthcare events. There is no end-to-end visibility of a patient’s journey right from pre-clinic to post-clinic visit monitoring. This essentially happens because a large part of medical records is still handwritten irrespective of urban or rural landscapes. WONDRx has built a product that solves the problem versus many healthcare start-ups who focus on creating the product and then fitting the product to the problem. WONDRx product is a beautifully simplified innovation that digitizes the handwritten medical records instantaneously as they are being written by the Doctor on the Prescription (Rx) paper, which in turn is available as a digital Rx copy to the Patients and also to the healthcare providers post Patient’s consent in order to serve the Patients.

WONDRx is an innovation-based Health-Tech Startup that is conceptualized and executed with an aim to integrate Healthcare ecosystems in India and other similar developing countries. It is a futuristic and smart solution company that attempts to digitize the services of many healthcare partners thereby successfully creating a world of connected healthcare. In essence, WONDRx is democratizing healthcare by improving accessibility and convenience for all in their respective healthcare endeavours.


Pankaj Sindhu, the founder of WONDRx is driving the vision and product roadmap of the organization. A serial entrepreneur with two prior successful exits is applying his 20+ years of experience in building this meaningful start-up.

Pankaj Agrawal, the Co-Founder of the company is a Bachelor of Pharmacy with an Executive Management Program from the International School of Business & Media. He has over 2 decades of experience in the Healthcare Industry in some of the big companies across different workstreams like Sales & Marketing, Training & Development, Commercial Excellence, Market Access, Product Pricing Strategy, etc.


There are enough and more solutions available locally, regionally, nationally, and globally to digitize the medical records within the Doctor’s clinic and they are labelled differently as Clinic automation, Rx-Digitization, HIS, EMR, and Telemedicine. Most of them have one end goal to convert the healthcare records into digital records by way of typing the prescription; however, the technology adoption is the biggest challenge and secondly, they miss on adequately connecting all siloed healthcare interactions like Doctor consultation, Radiological examinations, medicine supplies, AI-enabled data analytics for future research, or driving economic efficiencies across the healthcare ecosystem. WONDRx fills this gap, it focuses on medical record digitization and integrating the entire healthcare eco-system onto its single platform to derive efficiencies from data analytics and integration. There is a unique value proposition for patients and every healthcare provider on WONDRx.

As the majority of the existing solutions force the Doctors to type his/her medical records (Rx) into their respective systems, some of the pragmatic issues like increased screen time for doctors, loss of patient eye contact, excessive fatigue from data entry, mammoth patient loads at the clinics/hospitals, etc. result in lesser adoption to such typing-based systems. Typing-based systems force the Doctor to change his/her behavior from writing to typing – change in behavior is the first failure for any digital application. Therefore, even if the EMRs are deployed in private or public healthcare institutions, their usages are dismal and hence it is not serving the intended goal of digitization. Handwriting a medical prescription has been one of the most natural behaviors of doctors for decades. And this is where WONDRx becomes a natural ally to all medical practitioners – its SMART Rx solution allows the Doctor to continue handwriting the Rx while it gets digitized instantly. 


With a complete focus on enabling healthcare access to every corner of India digitally, WONDRx provides many top-notch services:

WONDRx Smart Kit for Doctors which consists of a smart pen plus smart paper allows instantaneous digitization of handwritten medical records. This allows small individual clinics as well as large-sized corporate hospitals to keep a digital copy of their OPD medical records. It further enhances patient engagements and helps build patient loyalty towards clinicians or hospitals by providing an end-to-end healthcare experience. 

Through its WONDRx Consumer & Provider applications, patients and providers experience the power of getting digitally connected for transacting various healthcare services, purchases, and also for medical record keeping.


The clientele of the company includes doctors, hospitals, healthcare providers (Pharmacies, Diagnostic Centers, Pathology, etc), consumers, Pharma Industries, State Govt, Central Government, healthcare start-ups, or any other institutions who are either responsible to provide or support the healthcare nationally and internationally. The true delight for any client is post-sales service, and constant value enhancements and that is what WONDRx firmly believes in and that is the key driver of building unbreakable faith with all the clients.


“We would like WONDRx Smart Kit to reach to every Registered Medical Practitioners in this country right from the most urban market to the most rural market. By digitization of handwritten medical records, we would like to extend the power of digital healthcare to every small and big healthcare provider right from the local pharmacy to the biggest e-pharmacy and all other service providers where they receive the demand from patients directly through the WONDRx application.”, said Pankaj Agrawal, while mentioning the mission and vision of the company.


Shared values are essential to shaping the culture and enjoyable work environment, and it is true for most organizations including WONDRx. 

Passion, Integrity, Attitude, Commitment, Perseverance, and Teamwork are some of the core values of WONDRx. 


Pankaj Sindhu advised upcoming start-ups and said, “Ensuring highway with adequate funding for scaling up, building committed teams, commercializing the product with the right product mix and optimum pricing and enhancing product roadmap regularly are the simple attributes for the growth of any start-up.”


WONDRx has been the talk of the town ever since it was conceptualized for its simplicity of innovative solutions. It has received dozens of awards and has been featured in the “Top Health Tech Start-ups to watch for” almost every year over the last 3 years. WONDRx has received extensive attention in media, investor circles, and Medical Fraternity, and consumers at large. 

It has bagged many awards for its outstanding work. Some of their mentions are CIO Insider, CEO Insights, Innovative Magazine, Skotch Award, NAT Health, and many others to list a few. WONDRx has recently received a letter of appreciation from the CM of Rajasthan for providing a unique solution during COVID times which helps patients to e-consult with international Doctors. 

WONDRx has created an application that will impact every individual in this country and is the first step towards Digital Health Access. The company is determined to bring Digital health access to every nook & corner of India.



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