Here's What You Need to Know About the Motorcycle Accident Claim Process

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Motorcycle Accident Claim Process


You shouldn’t attempt to take on the at-fault driver’s insurance company on your own if you’ve been hurt in a motorbike accident. Having an experienced attorney on your side can make a huge impact on your motorcycle accident claim process. Getting in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible is a great way to protect yourself from insurance companies. 

Step 1: Gather Evidence and Seek Medical Attention

Usually, the immediate aftermath of an accident is hectic and unpleasant. They are crucial for developing evidence and establishing some fundamental truths about what transpired. The claims procedure actually starts at the scene of the accident. Take pictures of the accident scene and damage to your motorcycle, get as much information as you can from other drivers and witnesses, call the police, and stay at the scene until they come and make an accident report, assuming you’re not gravely hurt or in immediate danger. If you require medical assistance, do so without delay. Regardless, you should probably get checked out by a doctor because not all injuries are instantly apparent. It’s never too early to speak with a lawyer to be sure you’re following the rules.

Step 2: Make an Insurance Claim

Although you are not required to submit an insurance claim immediately, you shouldn’t wait too long either. You can speak with your lawyer about this. After you employ a lawyer, they will deal with correspondence with the insurance company on your behalf. To back up your claim, the insurance company will require specific facts and documents. Before signing, make sure you have read everything thoroughly. Avoid attempting to explain how the event occurred, assign blame, go over the specifics of your injuries, or accept culpability. To forward the claim, you will need to give the insurance-specific information, but only the facts. 

Step 3: Resolution of the Claim

The insurance provider will eventually present you with a settlement. If you have a claim for both property damage and bodily injury resulting from the same accident, the insurer often offers two different payouts. Any settlement offer from the insurance company is not required to be accepted. Adjusters frequently make modest initial offers. You might present a counteroffer and provide data to support your claim that you are entitled to. You will be required to sign a release form if the settlement offer you receive following your negotiations is acceptable and you accept it. But be careful—once you agree to the settlement and sign a release, the claims procedure is concluded. You are unable to return and ask for a greater settlement.

If the insurance provider doesn’t move on to their settlement offer, you can, nevertheless, launch a lawsuit. Up until the court issues a ruling, negotiations may go on outside the courtroom. Don’t entrust your claim to a small, unproven firm when the stakes are high, as they may jeopardize the outcome of your case. Trust professional and experienced attorneys to handle all the aspects of your case, which will ensure the best outcome.

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