What Evidence Should You Collect in a Truck Accident Case?

What Evidence Should You Collect in a Truck Accident Case?


You must establish another party was to blame for the incident to obtain compensation following a truck accident. Given that multiple parties in the trucking industry may be accountable for a crash, determining culpability necessitates a wide range of evidence. By first gathering evidence at the scene of the collision, accident victims can support their legal claims. However, other sorts of evidence typically need to be preserved with the help of an expert truck accident lawyer. By gathering evidence at the scene of the accident and in the days, weeks, and months that follow, you can establish the foundation for a strong truck accident claim. Hire Regan Zambri Long, a reputed lawyer, to collect credible evidence and get you the compensation you deserve. Remember, only an experienced lawyer knows what evidence to collect in a truck accident case. 

The following are important pieces of evidence you can gather:

Photographic Evidence

Photographs or films of the accident scene should be taken if it is possible. Take pictures of the road and weather conditions, skid marks on the road, traffic lights, and damaged vehicles. If your injuries restrict you from taking images, don’t worry. An attorney can attempt to get data from additional sources.

Contact Information and Witness Testimony

Speak with witnesses who saw the truck collision. Take down a brief statement from each witness and acquire their contact information. This information is critical to the success of your case, especially if the truck belonged to a company. 

Police Accident Report

The responding police officer will compile a formal report that includes the occasion, place, and specifics of the collision. The first assessment of fault made by the officer will be included in the police report, so be sure to acquire it as soon as possible.

Health Records

If you can, ask for copies of your accident-related medical records. Although you can also give your truck accident lawyer the authority to do so, healthcare professionals would likely act more quickly if you take the initiative.

Other Important Data

Legal claims involving truck accidents are complicated, in part because so much information is required to make a compelling argument. Accident victims may find it difficult to get certain types of evidence without legal assistance because truck accident cases frequently pit private persons against corporate companies. Following is some additional data that can help your case;

Electronic Data Recorders 

There are two types of electronic data collection systems in contemporary commercial motor vehicles. The first is a logging device, which keeps track of the truck driver’s hours of service and verifies that the driver is adhering to federal hours-of-service laws. The second is a “black box” or event data recorder that keeps tabs on how the truck is operating. Together, these data systems can offer insightful details about the truck and driver in the seconds preceding the collision.

Records of Truck Maintenance and Inspection

There are inspection standards for trucking businesses, and truck owners are required to preserve documents of the maintenance done to the vehicle. These records can demonstrate whether the truck had any mechanical issues that might have caused the collision.

Truck Driver’s Cell phone

If the truck driver was preoccupied with a text or phone call at the time of the collision, records from the cell phone provider might reveal this information.

Skilled lawyers are aware that gathering evidence is the most crucial aspect of your truck accident claim. However, if you plan to do it on your own, you might miss some crucial evidence necessary for the success of the case.

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