
How to enhance the reach on social media?

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Are you using all social media platforms to promote your business? If yes, do you know how exactly your brand is reaching your target audience? 

Social media is undoubtedly here to stay among us. As the internet is evolving rapidly to 5-6 generations, the expansion of social media is inevitable in the future.

Regardless of the size of the business nowadays, people are going for social media engagements to make their business presence known to a big audience. Every business like content creating, blogging, products, and servicing, non-profit, start-ups, or digital creators among others have a significant value on social media. 

Why prefer online media over traditional marketing?

The features of the social media platforms enhance your reach at a much lower cost. One can get opportunities including new customers, insights into your brand, audience, and engagement opportunities smoothly. Plus, social media can be a highly cost-effective way of reaching your customers in a personalized way.

More than 2.5 billion people use social media networks and social media is not a billboard. It changes now and then. Although social media is great support for the business’s existence, in the end, you have to put effort into making these platforms work for you. 

How can you use social media platforms to make your brand reach the target audience?

1. It is important to identify your target audience first

Your social media presence should stand out in the crowd. To know your audience, you need to set your goals. Not everyone on social media is an audience to your brand. Reaching to numbers won’t help your business unless those numbers are genuinely interested in your services. Breaking down your audience will help in determining your:

  • Activity on social media
  • Content-type you need to put forward
  • Brand‘s  presentation
  • Information on your profile

Spinning the wheels over the audience could only be suitable for the content that isn’t for a definitive audience. Understanding the challenges of the customers helps in enhancing the brand value.

2.  Social media activity makes a huge difference in reaching an audience.

Social media platforms provide a medium to post everything about your business. But only posting and walking away is not enough. Promoting business through engaging your audiences is very important. Social media should be more about connections than followers. 

Usually, people use social media for three basic reasons:

  • To share  information and opinions about subjects that matter to them
  • Share personal updates
  • To advocate for something they are interested in

This mutual intention makes it easy for people to get social media engagements.

These are some ways through which you can engage your audience:

  • Commenting on different posts of the brand similar to yours
  • Participating in conversations and quizzes
  • Posting and answering questions
  • Addressing criticism and complaints
  • Showing appreciation to customers
  • Sharing relevant information from time to time

3. Importance of making your posts visually appealing

Creating posts that have a long-lasting effect on someone’s mind is one of the tactics to engage your audience. For example, this post from Vitamin Water. It uses humor to appeal to its prospective fans and customers, effectively exposing a common social media element.
Along with the emoticons, colors, and images adding gifs, big and small videos can make your posts attractive for all types of users. Avoid adding visuals that might invite criticism and raise eyebrows of some part of your audience. 

4. Reposting and recognizing other’s work.

Getting your answers or relevant information to your queries from a business profile similar to yours and then reposting them make your customers believe in your product more. 

  • Customers can see you are ready to provide what they need despite not your content.
  • Diverse information keeps customers interested.
  • Your content every time leads to a monotonous profile.
  •  When you repost content of big names, the post reaches large audiences.
  • Reposting customer’s feedback to encourage them to stay connected and engage with you more. 

5. Make full use of hashtags feature on social media

You must have heard of trending hashtags on Twitter and Instagram? These hashtags have the power to make your content go viral. Big business uses unique hashtags strategies when they come up with new services. For example

These companies came up with these trending hashtags. 

Pc: mention

It was one of the most iconic hashtag campaigns run by Disney.

A while back, the brand came up with the idea of sharing a coke by offering personalized labels for bottles. In this way, customers can give Coca-Cola to others and share a Coke with them.

Pc: mention

It becomes easy for social media platforms to make your business visible to your target audience. It is one of the features of social media platforms to direct you to your audience. You need to find relevant hashtags for such a particular reach. Always try to mention creative hashtags along with the simple ones. Once you figure out what’s working stick to it.

6. Use analytics tools to monitor engagements on your content.

Keeping up the track of the audience is also very important. You should know who is the genuine follower of the brand. What age group and gender are responding to your activities. To analyze if you are approaching the right audience, social media have their analytical tools. These tools help you monitor your follower count, engagement rates, and click-through rates. This helps you to shape your reach accordingly.

7. Approach not one but multichannel according to your reach.

Not every social media is fit for every type of business. One should invest their time and efforts in the platform where their business is more likely to reach a target audience. The bright side of these social media platforms is their audience. Even if you are chasing a particular type of audience, they’re found in significant numbers. A brief description of existing social media to help you more effectively.

Social media


 The most popular social media network in today’s has a variety of audiences with over 2.7 billion active monthly users. Every business should have a Facebook page at least.  This platform can be used for sharing images, videos, and communications. Facebook groups help you to reach a wider audience. It also has customization options for the business pages.


Instagram became immensely popular. It has 1 billion active users in 2020. It provides a plethora of tools to run a business online. No shortage of Hashtags to help you to increase reach. However, it is highly visual and is not optimal to drive blog or website traffic. It’s best suited for strong visual brands.


Twitter is suitable for business which wants to engage the audience on short updates and news and announcements. If your brand has a voice and you need to make it reach a limited audience, then this platform is a great tool to spread the word.


This is the platform for business to enlarge your business networking. It can be used by both brands to brand or brand to customer services. It makes you reach a serious audience with active engagements.


It is purely a visual platform. This has a series of special types of pins called Rich Pins, which brands can use to add specific information to their pins, like product details and location maps. It is majorly a good marketing tool for businesses like DIY, fashion, food, and exercise. 


A video-sharing platform, where one can share, view, comment, and rate the content. The second largest search engine with 3 billion searches a month can be used for vlogs and another vast majority of business.


Social media platforms came up as a boon to business owners and content creators. The internet advancements have made it easy to use these platforms. Different social media platforms provide similar as well as different tools, using them one can reach a target audience and create a brand value.

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