KARDLE Industries, Vijay Komagan M.S, Best cleantech companies building a greener India

KARDLE Industries: Building Carbon Capture Solutions for a Sustainable Tomorrow


“We strive to contribute to the global net zero initiative and support India’s mission for zero emissions.”

Vijay Komagan M.S
(Founder & CEO, KARDLE Industries)

KARDLE Industries shines brightly in the world of environmental innovation, led by the visionary team of KARDLE. The company lives by the mission to create a world where air is not a privilege but a fundamental right for everyone.

“Our vision to contribute significantly to build a thriving planet, powered by sustainable energy and circular economies lays the foundation for KARDLE Industries,” adds Vijay who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Biotechnology and has positioned his firm as one of the highly acclaimed Indian carbon capture startups.

The Inception Tale

KARDLE began its journey with two intellectual minds in 2017. Despite the departure of one of its founding team members, the company officially incorporated in 2019, with Vijay, the founder and his mother (the initial investor for KARDLE) on the board of directors.

Initially, KARDLE began developing the Next Gen Bioreactor System and understanding its future as a DAC (Direct Air Capture System) by conducting trials for air purification and restoring indoor quality. The process of inventing carbon capturing and air purification increased with the second wave of the pandemic.

After securing funds from friends and family, the company manufactured the first 100 units of its portable air purification system powered by batteries. By July 2023, ACCS (AERSAFE Carbon Capture System), a stackable module that runs on solar power, garnered interest from the esteemed organisation Steel Authority of India, Bhilai Centre for carbon capture. This pivotal moment spurred KARDLE Industries to pivot towards developing tailored solutions for industrial applications, which remains its primary focus today. 

From Struggles To Success

Like many startups, Vijay faced the challenge of assembling and training a talented team. However, through networking and exploring diverse skill sets, he identified partners and vendors who filled the void left by physical team members. Vijay states, “All our current vendors (fellow Startups) are playing an important role in getting the job done.”

KARDLE’s in-house R&D team dedicatedly works on inventing and innovating new processes to make CO2 capture greener, sustainable, and viable. Vijay believes that establishing trustworthy relationships with vendors can ease the troubles of not having in-house team members for all parts or components of the business.

The Founder states, “We have received enquiries from prestigious organisations– SAIL, Tata Power, Oil & Gas drilling firms, pipe laying companies and many more. We have submitted the phase 1 proposal and are currently following up on implementation. We are working closely with StartupTN to further solidify our market presence and facilitate the pilot unit’s deployment in selective TN industries to conduct market validation studies.

Offerings By KARDLE Industries

KARDLE Industries

AERSAFE Carbon Capture System (ACCS)

AERSAFE Mobile carbon capture systems by KARDLE Industries can handle industrial pollution- CO2 emissions from 0.4 tons to 400 tons per day. AERSAFE Carbon Capture System is a stackable module that runs on solar power, built with a nature-based CO2 treatment mechanism that not only captures CO2 but also handles Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and air pollutants. ACCS technology is a Patent pending, USEPA & OSHA standard-tested technology. The company is now building POC units for field trials including industries and residential complexes.


This Nextgen Bioreactor is an economical bioreactor with improved handling and ease of access, along with trendy & novel technological features. It contains advanced software features like Machine Learning and AI for enhanced usability. It is versatile and easier to operate, maintain, and handle.

Portable Air Purifier

KARDLE’s natural-based air purifier stands out from other models on the market. Specifically designed for the AERSAFE line, it offers unique features. Within just 30 minutes, this AERSAFE covers 150 sq ft and removes virus-sized particles– 98% of bacteria and fungus and tackles odours. Additionally, it can decrease CO2 levels by 100 PPM/hr, thereby reducing concentrations from 1000 PPM to 400 PPM in only 6 hours, all achieved without the use of chemicals or water.

Carbon Capture Sustainable Solutions

KARDLE Industries has woven environmental sustainability into its very core. Unlike traditional CO2 capture technologies, ACCS operates without water. It operates entirely on solar power, thereby reducing the dependence on grid electricity. It utilises a nature-based, biodegradable carbon capture element which is then repurposed into carbon and nitrogen-rich pellets for soil restoration.

It uses stainless steel which is 100% recyclable for constructing ACCS channels. All the individual units in the ACCS system can be repurposed as individual air purifiers once other companies achieve Net Zero emissions with the AERSAFE carbon capture system. 

Jewels In The Crown

The company’s overarching vision is to achieve pre-industrial era emission level through the K47 CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) policy by 2047. 

KARDLE Industries and Vijay bagged their first recognition in August 2020 by winning the Tamil Nadu Innovation Voucher A. At the same time, selection for the International Space Station – World Design Organization’s ‘In Space for Life on Earth’ challenge also proved beneficial. In October 2020, they received the NIDHI-PRAYAS grant, a prestigious initiative by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

In November 2021, KARDLE made strides with the launch of its inaugural advanced air purifier system. This milestone was followed by winning recognition as the ‘Top Innovator’ at the Public Health Innovation Conclave held at HITEX, Hyderabad. In August 2022, it received a Grant award of 5 lakhs from EDII Tamil Nadu Innovation Voucher B. The firm also received the ‘Top Innovator Award’ from the Sangamam Award from the Project Management Institute, Chennai in September 2022. In the following month, it achieved a breakthrough with its AERSAFE air purification technology, achieving a remarkable reduction of CO2 emissions by 100 PPM/hr. In November, the company filed a provisional patent for AERSAFE to ensure its protection.

One more jewel to the crown is a Grant from FORT SIPCOT Industrial product development grant through FORGE in March 2024, is leading the POC development for Industries.

While signing off Vijay reaffirms, “Through our innovative carbon capture solutions, we are not just combating climate change but empowering diverse stakeholders to become environmental guardians and pave the way towards a greener and sustainable world for future generations.”

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