Neil Patel


“SEO is a race, not a sprint” – Neil Patel If you know well about the terms, ‘PPC’, ‘Inbound marketing’ or ‘SEO’, there are high chances that you are familiar with the man who has gained immense popularity with his entrepreneurial and digital marketing skills, Neil Patel, 31, is a famous digital marketing entrepreneur. Neil […]

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Successful Branding

Identifying Your Brand Pillars: Keys To Successful Branding

PURPOSE – Before you started with your brand, you must have had something about how the brand will serve a purpose, the most important thing about your brand is what purpose it serves and how it will be beneficial to the people. Your brand purpose is the meaningful reason behind why your brand exists. To […]

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Leadership Styles And What Lessons To Learn From Bill Gates

Leadership Styles and What Lessons to Learn from Bill gates?

Leadership Styles and What Lessons to Learn from Bill gates? “Leadership is the ability to “lead”, influence, or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations” Proving to be a good leader is tough as one must possess all the basic qualities of a leader which are: Establishing a clear vision or a Goal, Sharing that […]

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